*Chapter 1*

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Status: Updated :D

The lights above my head swung lightly with the passing breeze that soared down the tunnel I call home. I approached the old rusty gate that kept those who were not welcome out and whipped out my key before opening the gate with a disturbing creak and shutting it behind me almost immediately. I swiftly locked it and swept my key back into my jacket pocket and took a good look at my foggy surroundings, today is especially gloomy out.

Just how I like it.

I lightly smirked and did a visual check for any movement in case I was about to get jumped before cautiously beginning my walk out of the alley. That alley is one of the most dangerous places on the Isle, mainly because that's where me and my dad live but there are a lot other dangers that I look out for, simply because I don't wish to get into an altercation just yet. 

I walked through a cloud of dense fog onto the mainstreet, my boots making a distinct thud as I marched into the street with a sort of waltz. Almost immediately I was given a path, people doing as much as jumping into garbage bins to hide from my glare. For those who thought they were brave enough to do as much as glance my way, I didn't hesitate to serve dirty looks and intimidating stares with anyone who dared.

The hustle and bustle of the main Isle street was as chaotic as it always is, the constant fight breaking out on every street corner just as always too. If you were to look up, the sky is filled with a large grey cloud of smog made from who knows what chemicals. The skyline is made from decrepit roofs and old buildings that have seen far better days. The loose cobblestone street itself gave you plenty of opportunities to trip on a loose stone and become the laughing stock of the street. Welcome to my home, the lovely and leaves much to be desired, Isle of the Lost. 

I decided to make a quick stop by the bay to have a look at the water. Not that there's much to look at, most of the water surrounding the Isle is murky and dark with moss and vile chemicals. I know there's chemicals in the water because the smell is awful, like old and boggy chlorine. 

But there is one dock that has alright conditions, the natural wildlife around that area takes care of filtering the water so it's quite nice over there. That's where I'm headed, even if the water is nice there, that isn't the first reason why I'm going. My cousin Uma has a ship docked there with a whole pirate crew and everything. I get along with her very well, so I of course like to visit her often. She's much better than my sister, but we won't talk about that.  

I waltzed past the dock and did a slow visual scan, I simply like to be aware of my surroundings that's all. I peered down onto the ship below and seemed to catch someones eye, so I leaned on the railing and continued to look down. I shifted my gaze to see Uma's first mate Harry Hook staring at me from the deck of the ship. He had thrown off his normal red jacket and tossed it over his shoulder as he was working it seemed. He flipped his hair out of his face and swept the beads of sweat off his forehead while he looked at me, probably trying to impress me knowing him. I rolled my eyes but didn't move my gaze as he hadn't looked away from me either. It was a little odd, but when he cracked a smirk and gave me a sly wink I knew that he was simply doing his thing. I raised a brow before looking away from him and over to my side as I saw a figure coming my way. I glanced back down to see Harry was gone, oh well. I'm not terribly invested on having friends so the fact that I hate him and he hates me is alright. He acts nicer to me in private which is slightly strange but what can ya do? 

I looked back over to my side to see my good ol' cousin Uma waltzing over to me with a matching smirk as mine. I stopped leaning on the rail and readied my hand for a fist bump as did she,

"Wassup Hol? I feel like I haven't seen you for a while"

She said as we exchanged our fistbump. From behind her I noticed a certain tall and rather annoying pirate stepping up the steps to the dock and quickly walking this way. I sighed and looked back to Uma,

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