Chapter 18

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I fell to the ground, absolutely exhausted.

I laid on the ground and caught my breath as I looked up, Audrey was on the floor presumably passed out. She now wore a new pink piece of attire and her hair was blonde. I'm assuming that's what she looked like normally.

I crawled over to her before collapsing next to her. I reached over and checked for a pulse. It was slow, but there. I grabbed the staff and used it to help myself sit up, tucking the ember safely in my pocket. My legs were shaky and my vision was blurry, however, I did see a silhouette of a dragon fly up before turning into a human. She bent down and checked Audrey's pulse too before coming over to me, the closer she got the more I saw her,

"Holly?! Holly are you there?"

She said, my ears were definitely ringing some but I could hear her. I slowly blinked, trying to get my vision to come back to normal,

"M-Mal? I'm hoping that's you, otherwise, I'm tripping balls right now"

I heard her let out a relieved laugh,

"Oh thank god, I honestly thought you were dead when you collapsed back there"

"Me? Die? Never"

I said sarcastically, I have almost died twice today now so that's pretty neat. She offered her hand to help me up which I took. I stumbled up and basically fell on her a little,

"Sorry bout that, a lil shaky at the moment"

I said. She laughed some,

"That's alright, are you dizzy?"

"No not too bad, just can't see the best and my ears are ringing. Oh and not to mention the fact that my body is exhausted. And before I almost die again I have to tell you something..."

I was able to stand on my own now, my vision had cleared some so I looked at her right in the eyes,

"... I'm so sorry, I'm sorry for saying that I don't love you earlier. I really do Mal, even back in the Isle where we never hung out because of the supposed hate we had for each other, I never hated you Mal. No matter what status of hate or love we were at I was always looking out for you, prepared to get involved if a sticky situation occurred. I love you Mal, I'm sorry for blowing up at you earlier"

Mal had tears in her eyes now, holding them back from spilling out by looking up,

"You had good reason to though, I'd be pissed too if I was told what I told you. I wanna make it up to everyone but it will take some time and some convincing but what you just did for Auradon is really going to help things I promise. I promise I'll make it up to you, and to Uma, Harry, Gil, everyone on the Isle still"

I nodded tearfully and just gave her a hug. She definitely wasn't expecting it but nonetheless hugged me back. Then I heard clapping from down below. We both paused and looked over the edge to see everyone, Uma, Gil, Celia, and last but not least Harry all clapping at our making up,

"Wanna ride down?"

"Oh yes please, those stairs to get here are killer I can't do that again"

Mal and I laughed before she turned into a dragon. I went ahead and hopped on her back and she flew us both down.

I hopped off as soon as we reached the ground, quickly embraced by the crew which nearly knocked me over,

"Geez calm down, I can't stand the best"

I said with a laugh, I wrapped my arms as best as I could around the three as Mal turned out of dragon form. Celia ran up to her,

"I see you saved Celia"

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