Unlikely Pair

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Holly POV

We had walked out of Auradon Prep and were headed to the docks where once we got there, I saw an impressive ship was docked right in the middle of the entire harbor as if it was simply showing off. It was made of dark oak it seemed, its sails billowed in the light wind which only added to the impressive image. I looked a bit further up and saw the infamous crossbones, the signature flag of a pirate ship. I could hear a bit of chatter coming from the ship, piquing my interest. I continued to look up at it and awe as we walked closer to it, arms still interlocked as always,

"What do ya think?"

Harry said quietly I looked up at him with a smile, his shining blues looked as if he was proud of the ship regardless of what I thought despite me thinking it's absolutely impressive,

"It's magnificent... truly magnificent"

I said right back before looking back at the ship. Harry smiled and sharply whistled, I was somewhat confused but moments later three people came into view, one who I recognized as Captain Hook himself, and two girls. One was a more slender build with fair skin and blonde hair that bounced as she walked with brown eyes while the other shared most of those traits, however with hair as black as night and blue eyes, like a female version of Harry if I had to describe her. In fact... she looks as if Harry pulled a gender swap! That is... either scary or awesome I'm not entirely sure which one. We walked right up to the ship and the two girls came clamoring down,

"Ah Harriet watch it!"

One yelled as the other one knocked into her and stepped on her foot, the other girl shoved her back and simply carried on,

"Don't get in my way of travel next time and we won't have an issue CJ!"

The other one yelled. I chuckled and Harry turned his head to whisper to me,

"Yer still quite the celebrity to the Isle kids, my sisters are apparently big fans. Watch out they may want a selfie, an autograph, or both"

I chuckled a bit and simply watched the two girls essentially wrestle their way over to me as if it was a race to get to me first. The one with black hair made it to me first by harshly shoving the other one over onto the dock, holding her hand out for a handshake almost immediately,

"Oh wow I can't believe Harry wasn't lying, you're Holly alright! I'm Harriet, Harrys older sister"

I smirked and took her hand for a firm handshake,

"I am indeed Holly, didn't we discuss this over the phone already?"

The other sister stumbled back up and without hesitation stuck her hand out too, somewhat trying to jab it in front of Harriet's so she could get a handshake too,

"Yeah but we still had our doubts, it's an honor! I'm CJ"

I took her hand and firmly shook it just like I had with Harriet's and nodded as I did,

"So this might be weird to ask, but why such happy faces to see me?"

Captain Hook himself came down and stood behind the sisters as Harriet quickly jumped in, she's kinda acting like how a fangirl would... it's kinda strange to think that I have fans but here we are,

"Well you're kinda a big deal, I mean you're Holly! Princess of the Underworld and Bringer of Life and Death, daughter of the God of the Underworld Hades and the wicked dark fae Maleficent! One of the two Queens of the Isle!"

My eyes widened just a little as I chuckled a bit at my rather extensive title. And I'm pretty sure Uma is considered the other Queen of the Isle, so I will very happily rule alongside her if that's the case. I looked up at Harry and continued to laugh a bit,

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⏰ Cập nhật Lần cuối: May 24, 2021 ⏰

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