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Disclaimer: I won't lie to yall I barely know anything about the actual Anthony Tremaine character from the books but I've always imagined him like this so here we are :) 

A brief warning: Mentions of blood, very minor however

Third Person POV

Seeing as most if not all of the VKs were going to the respective schools in Auradon now, Auradon Prep was now a place where Holly and Harry saw their respective exes often. However, neither of them really had too many, Harry had two and Holly had one. The only reason Holly didn't have more was that her only ex made her hate dating so much she stopped even trying, and that exes name is Anthony Tremaine.

They did not work well at all, to say the least. In fact, Holly and Anthony were together when Harry and Holly met.  Anthony was one of two reasons why she was in a terrible mood the day they met, but we'll talk more about that other reason later on.

Anthony however never truly lost his liking for Holly. He always thought of her as a useful leg up and a pretty face and body, that's about it. Holly hadn't seen Anthony and vice versa in years when they stumbled upon each other in Auradon Prep. Anthony was the first one to recognize his newly famous ex, it's hard not to. She's rather popular, she's well known across all of Auradon, and she of course has those striking features.

Anthony spotted her for the first time in the library with Mal, Uma, and Evie. They were all laughing and just having a good time when Mr. Tremaine waltzed up to the table,


He said, still in some disbelief that he actually dated this stunning girl at one point. Holly looked up and squinted through her glasses before taking them off,

"Uh, do I know you?"

She said, very skeptical of course,

"Holly come on! You couldn't have forgotten me"

She took a second to look at the boy, not caring to overanalyze any features of his or even really try to remember if she did know him or not,

"Well, looks like I have if I even know you in the first place. Care to stop being a cryptic son of a bitch and just tell me who you are?"

He scoffed and looked around the room for a second, he's developed quite the ego over the years so she did really offend him,

"Come on Holly, it's me, Anthony"

She took a second and squinted at him, leaning back in her chair,


She said, still not really believing him,

"Yes! You look... very different"

"Good or bad way?"

"A good way"

He said, obviously checking her out. She looked at him up and down, not for too long though since she really didn't need to,

"And somehow you've only gotten worse since puberty really hit you, what a shame"

She said as she put her glasses back on and looked back to what she was doing,

"Ah come on Holly, hey we're new people now. Maybe we should... I don't know... try again? Go out to coffee some time?"

She slowly looked up from what she was doing, the rest of the girls now doing so too. They looked at him like he was crazy,

"Asking a girl who's very much taken to go on a date with them? Really Anthony? And I thought you couldn't get any more obnoxious"

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