I Missed You Pt3

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Holly POV

It was the second to last day that Harry was going to be gone for. I tried to actually put myself together today and everything, all-knowing I would be home by 4 anyway to fall asleep or to just lay in bed and watch TV or something unproductive and boring like that. 

The girls and I went out to breakfast and stopped by the library afterward, somewhere that we normally just chill out and talk at despite the fact that that's the opposite of what you're supposed to do in a library. So many ways to be wicked right?

"Hey, earth to Holly! You there?"

Uma said as she snapped in front of my eyes. I blinked and looked up at her,


"I was talking to you, did you go somewhere else up here?"

She said as she pointed to her head. I half-heartedly chuckled and rested my head on my hand,

"Probably, I'm just tired"

Mal sighed and scoffed at the same time somehow,

"You go to bed at eight and wake up at ten, how are you tired?"

Evie put her finger up as if she wanted to speak. I looked at her and nodded,

"Well, you can be emotionally tired. Being without someone you care about for a long period of time can drain the body from the motivation to do things you might normally do with that person. You have a case of, missing your boyfriend"

I smiled a little and stirred my tea that I had, I've recently found out that I have a mild addiction for tea but that's alright,

"I can see that. Hey, I've kept my temper under control for the whole two weeks so far with no incidents though"

Mal took a second to think,

"Woah you have, is that a record?"

"I think so"

Evie giggled,

"Probably because you're too tired to combust"

I laughed and took a sip of tea,

"Now that makes sense"

I checked my phone to see the time, it was already 3:49 and I had a text from Harry.

Can't wait to give you a nice long hug soon, I've really missed you darlin'

I smiled and just reread it a few times,

"And she's gotten a text from him, see how she doesn't look as tired?"

Evie whispered for some reason. I looked up and couldn't get the smile off of my face,

"I should probably get going, you know its time for my four o'clock nap"

I said as I stood up and grabbed my bag, putting my phone in my pocket and grabbing my tea, swirling the cup some to stir it more even though it was proper stirred just fine,

"Oh but of course, because you need so much more beauty sleep than you already get"

Uma sarcastically exclaimed. I scoffed with a smile and playfully shoved her shoulder,

"Yeah yeah whatever, duces y'all"

"Buh bye Holly"

They all said in unison as I walked off. I took my phone out as I walked and texted him back,

Same here, everything has moved so slow since you left its exhausting. I can't wait to just latch onto you and not let go for a solid ten minutes or so

It was the truth, thats honestly exactly what I wanted to do right now. Too bad I have to wait another day.

I made it to my dorm and threw my bag off and took my shoes off. I took off all the makeup I was wearing and let my hair free from the braid I had put it in after washing it this morning, leaving soft waves in my hair. I got undressed and threw on one of Harrys t-shirts and turned the lights off and shut the curtains before I crawled in bed, ready to sleep another day away. I checked my phone one last time.

That sounds like absolute heaven right about now, soon love, very soon

I smiled and tiredly tucked my phone under my pillow and closed my eyes, dreaming of just being in his warm embrace again.

Harry POV

We had set sail back to Auradon early in the morning in order to make it. The last two weeks have been fun, not completely painstaking. We explored all of Neverland, listened to dads stories, made good memories, reminisced, and above all actually enjoyed each others presence for the first time in a long time.

All of that was fine and dandy, but the bed Holly and I share was so much more comfortable than the cot I've slept on for the past two weeks. Not to mention I missed not having Holly beside me most of the time. It might've only been two weeks, but it felt so much longer to be away from her. I texted her everyday and she did the same. When we both had time we'd have a phone call but that only happened maybe three times during this whole trip. I'm ready to be home thats for sure.

We sailed into the docks and secured the ship, anchoring it and since Harriet, CJ, and my dad decided to stay on the ship for some father daughter specifically bonding time I was the only one marching back into Auradon prep. I had only taken a duffel bag with me since come on what do you really need for two weeks in a now rather civilized jungle right?

I walked in, bag slung over my shoulder and almost immediately spotted Mal and she seemed to spot me at the same time,

"Harry? What are you doing here aren't you a day early?"

I side smiled and readjusted how the bag was sitting,

"Yeh, meh dad and my sisters wanna meet Holly so they agreed ta stop by a day early as a surprise and to invite her over for dinner. Speaking of her do ya know where she is by chance?"

Mal smiled and clappped her hands once, something I've realized a lot of Auradon kids do when they're excited,

"Thats so sweet! And yeah she's taking her beauty rest, she's been taking at least two naps a day in addition to sleeping over night since you left. Therefore she's in your dorm"

I nodded and smiled back,

"Thanks Malsy, see ya"

I said to quickly dismiss her. I wasn't here for a conversation anyway.

I walked up the stairs pretty damn quickly just out of my sudden need for haste. I stood in front of the dorm room door and considered knocking on it, but decided against it because Holly could actually be asleep and I wouldnt want to wake her up so abruptly. 

I pulled out my own key and unlocked the door to find it very dark in there. She had absolutely no lights on, as she does seeing as apparently she's used to living in a cave... oh wait its cause she did and being in complete darkness even when she's not sleeping is apparently normal to her. 

I crept in and put my things down and shut the door behind me. As my eyes adjusted I saw the peaceful and rhythmic rise and fall of the sheets and her hair elegantly spread out across her pillow, that sight alone was enough to get me jittery just to touch her again. I quietly took my shoes, sword, hat, and my jacket off as well. Then I sneakily crept over to the bed and laid down, rolling over and cautiously wrapping my arm around her sleeping figure. She shifted and hummed some as I felt the soothing feeling of just our skin to skin contact. I whispered right into her ear,

"I'm home darlin'~"


Hiya! Damn I'm posting in both books in one night look at me being efficient :D I hope ya'll enjoy this fluffy bit of storyline I'm making here cause I dunno bout ya'll but I've been in a serious need of fluff recently :) Remember to stay hydrated and to be kind to yourself today :D


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