Chapter 7

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During our little walk, we had come across a certain hallway. The only reason we turned down it is because of the claw marks on the wall which Uma pointed out,

"Uhm...whats this?"

Uma said as she felt the claw marks and looked back at us. Carlos examined them next,

"Uh... any chance this was already there?"

Carlos said as he pointed to the wall. I furrowed my brow and walked up to the wall. I ran my fingers into the claw marks,


I started,


"Is there any chance your boy toy could... I don't know... actually turn into a beast? Cause I feel like that's a long shot but I don't know, these claw marks are distinct"

"I don't think he can... unless he was spelled to"

She said as she grew quieter and walked up to me, realization hitting her. I sighed and rubbed my temples some,

"Well isn't that another important detail that you have conveniently left out, again"

I said with an eye roll, great there's not just a crazy privileged princess running around with a deadly scepter but also a beast. The day just keeps getting more and more absurd by the minute.

We came across a room full of armored knights. Mal had been shouting for Ben the whole time in between insulting Uma,

"I wonder how much sleep you lost over me being on the loose"

Uma said teasing Mal,

"Not much, dragons don't really need sleep. Hey, I wonder what friend octopus tastes like?"

Evie walked and stood in between them,

"Guys can we maybe... I don't know...TRY to get along? Let's set aside the past and celebrate our differences"

"Oh we're celebrating our differences all right"

Uma said glaring at Mal. They continued to argue as Harry and I stood somewhat out of the way of their conversation. Suddenly, I could've sworn that I saw an armor stand move,


I said furrowing my eyebrows,

"... did you... uhm, see that?"

I said pointing at the stand. His arm had found its way onto my shoulder again and I felt it get firmer as he pulled me slightly closer to him,

"Yeah, I did, did ye?"

"Yeah, are we crazy?"

The armor stand moved again. We both stepped back,

"I don't think so, lass. Girls!"

Harry called, Uma gave him the signal to be quiet,


I yelled. Mal simply glared at me and kept talking to Uma,


Both Harry and I yelled, Uma and Mal now looked at us, our eyes locked on the armor as it slowly began to articulate more,

"I believe we are being challenged"

Harry said, as he protectively brought me even closer to him despite the fact I bet he knew damn well that I was fine,

"You like a prince Mal? What about a knight in shining armor?"

A voice said through the armor as it bowed to us. Then suddenly all the armor stands in the room started to move towards us.

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