Chapter 2

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"What do you want?"

I said aggressively to the pirate as he caught his breath from running to catch up with me,

"I dunno, I just wanted to talk to ye. Maybe Uma's right, if we get to know each other we could be friends"

"And why would we want to be friends?"

"Because, if ye were in the crew we would need to get along. Also, we could shred the Isle together"

"How so?"

"Let's see, yer a borderline goddess with abilities that can get through the barrier and I'm an intimidating pirate lord"

"Odd combination"

"Yeh, but it could be awesome, especially if Uma's involved. Just think about it, we'd be the biggest and baddest gang to ever grace the Isle"

"Imma tell you straight up, I really don't know if I wanna join another gang. Last time it just caused ultimate chaos. I do really well on my own and it's not like I don't have anyone. I have Uma, I technically have you if I absolutely must "

We turned into an alley, specifically the alley that led home. He stopped a few steps into the alley. I stopped turned around when I realized he was no longer next to me,

"You good?"

I said,

"Erm, sure. Are we gonna keep talking?"

"We can if you want, come on"

I waved at him to follow me which he did, just very skeptically. We got to the cave and I took out the key. I unlocked the door and opened it and walked through as if it was nothing because it isn't anything, it's just my house after all and I guess I forget that sometimes. Harry heard the loud dog barking and continued to be skeptical. I walked down the main hall of the cave and yelled,

"I'm home! Also, I have a guest so no loud music please!"

The record player with the dog barking playing promptly stopped,

"Okay! Have I met them?"

I heard dad yell. Harry froze at his voice,


"Is it a boy?!"

I heard him somewhat roar,

"Yeah, so what?!"

I yelled louder back. I grabbed Harry's wrist and speed-walked down my corridor as I giggled a little bit at his fear,

"Make haste he's gonna wanna meet ya"

I said as we walked,

"He's not gonna... be mad is he?"

I stopped and turned to Harry and scoffed,

"You're scared of my dad aren't you?"

"Well, he is an actual god so..."

"Well, don't be..."

I said smiling, actually kinda genuinely for once,

"...first off, I'm a buffer for his bullshit, second..."

I leaned into his ear and whispered,

"...he smells fear"

I leaned back to standing up straight and laughed,

"Come on"

I said as I walked down the corridor. I heard him walking close behind me,

"He's gonna come down and wanna talk, if you don't wanna have your soul taken I suggest you be respectful, I'm allowed to be sassy without consequences cause I'm his daughter but you're not. Even though having him steal your soul doesn't sound like such a bad idea"

I got to my room and kicked the door open. It was pretty spacious, it had blue and red lights hanging from the ceiling that flickered occasionally. Most of my decor was just black so just imagine a black rug, black bed set, two black couches, and a black wardrobe. I walked in and sat on one of my two couches, I signaled to Harry to sit. He did so as he looked around the room. I heard heavy footsteps coming down the corridor. Sure enough, dad came bursting into the room and locked eyes with Harry,

"What do you want?"

I said,

"I just wanna meet your little friend"

"Not a friend"

Dad slowly looked over to me with a certain look,

"Oh did you finally stop being an edgy loner and get yourself a guy?"

Dad said. Dad and I insult each other all the time but we know we rarely mean it so it's fine. What wasn't fine was that he assumed Harry was more than a friend. I noticed Harry looking at me from the corner of my eye,

"Nope, he's more of a 'forced acquaintance', anyway Harry this is Hades, Hades this is Harry"

I always introduce my dad as Hades because in the past we've had some who've thought they were funny and called Hades 'dad'. Let's just say those who've done that don't walk this earth anymore. Harry stood up as Dad gave out his hand for a handshake,

"Nice to meet you, Harry"

I noticed him look down to Harry's hook as Harry took his right hand for a firm handshake,

"Harry Hook?"

"Yes sir"

He said, his dad totally taught him the "sir" and "ma'am" thing. Dad looked to me,

"Can you become his friend?"

"Why would I do that?"

I said as I kicked my feet up on the table in front of me,

"Because he's the first one of your 'acquaintances' that actually respect me"

I scoffed,

"They respect you they just don't know how to show it"

"Well this one knows how to show it"

I rolled my eyes and threw my head back,

"Whatever, you know how I feel about friends anyway"

"Well, I'm going to leave you two to it..."

Dad turned around and walked to the door,

"... remember to use protection!"

He said as the last thing before slamming the door. My head shot back up and towards the door. I ran to the door and threw it open,


I turned back and slammed the door again, Harry was just on the couch laughing his happy ass off,

"Looks like someones having a good time"

I said sitting back on the couch and kicking my feet back up,

"Quite the relationship ye two have eh?"

He said through laughter. I rolled my eyes,

"You could say that"

We actually ended up talking for a while, just about random shit. Before we knew it it had been 3 hours since he got here. He said Uma probably was wondering where he was by now so I showed him out, I won't lie, I had a good time talking and laughing with him. He's still an annoying pirate in my eyes, just maybe not as bad as I thought.

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