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" Hey (Y/n), "

Her eyes flickered towards the mongoose, Kai. She hummed in response as she returned to her phone, paying to mind to the members below during rehearsal or costumes. The mongoose took notice of her actions and snatched her phone, making her growl.

Legoshi took notice, taking the phone back and handed it to the female.

She nodded her head as a thank you, returning to her device while she spoke, " What do you want, Kai. "

Kai fidgeted while trying to gain more balance n's composure while they stood on the lights stage up at the ceiling, " I bet you both were scared when we're recruited by the adviser. " speaking to the two wolves.

(Y/n) shook her head, " I was good. "

Turning to the male as he fixed the lights, " You were recruited too, right? " Legoshi lifted his head, slightly nodding a yes before returning to the light.

He finished up, sitting by the female while she spoke up to break the silence between them all, " So everyone was recruited? "

Kai nodded his head, " Yeah. "

" But how did they meet the standards? " Legoshi chirped in, curious about his own members from the club which made the mongoose eye the wolf with such shock,

Kai started with his wide eyes, " Have you seriously been in this club without knowing anything? "

" You need to make more friends, aren't you a second year high schooler already? " Kai exclaimed before sighing, pointing at specific animals explaining their stories and his included saying;

They sight for animals with special circumstances, it was indeed a good settlement for a drama club. Considering that a tragic story creates character for that animal.

" Say Legoshi, every member has a tale of their own that comes with a secret, what's yours? " The female questioned without sparing a glance at the male wolf.

Kai nodded his head, " Yeah, what are you hiding from us? "

The male wolf then jerked himself forwards to the other animals with a confused expression also curioused on what his secret is, " What could it be? " He exclaimed, making the mongoose shriek from the sudden outburst which made the female snicker.

Kai grumbled before complaining to the canines that sat before him, " What don't make fun of me like that! It's totally out of character! "

" My bad. " The wolves said in unison as they wore smug expressions.

Bill turned around with Sheila as they both eyed the lighting crew while they were chatting away. The tiger raised an eyebrow at the sight of male wolf, " Legoshi's been acting kind of cheerful lately.. " He stated towards the cheetah who nodded.

" He's been chatting a whole lot more with (Y/n) considering how much of a delinquent she is, " The female feline sighed abruptly, placing her cheek into her hand before smiling to herself, " But that small wolf sure can make a conversation out of someone if she wanted. "

Bill nodded his head, before the two felines returned to rehearsal.


" Why don't you ever utilize your strength? "

Louis addressed, pinning the large wolf against the wall, " You don't need to restrain yourself. "

Louis held his hand onto Legoshi's neck, grasping it with a firm grip as he tried to hold him restraint yet wanting him to go wild, " I want you to show me your fangs. " He stated.

" Wha... " Legoshi shrieked.

Legoshi stood away from the deer and stared in conflict, " W-Well, It's against the law for carnivores to bear their fangs against herbivores- "

" Don't label me as a herbivore! " Louis snapple's towards the canine with aggravation for not having it his way, " I hate your reserved personality. Large breed carnivores like you irritate me the most. "

As he reached for the wolf's jaw and prided his hand into his mouth.

Legoshi struggled with the hand in his jaw and Louis grew irritated, " Drop the act, Legoshi. Be serious for once. " He stated as he felt the carnivore's canines graze against his hand.

" Bite me Legoshi, bite me. "

" I'll bite you. "

(Y/n) said as she entered the room with a blank expression, wagging her tail with amusement. Louis stared with his eyes dilated with shock from her statement.

Legoshi slapped his hand out of his mouth while mentally thanking (Y/n) for an opening. He threw himself to the side and began to breathe heavily. The deer grew confused as Legoshi began to speak, " Um, sorry. I, uh... "

He didn't dare to eat the herbivore,

" I have to be reserved, my strength as a wolf is a liability to me. " He told the other animal, then added, " But you're different. "

Louis's eyes widened at the wolf, Legoshi turned to the herbivore with a plain expression, " Your strength is an asset to you.. "

" Everyone thinks that you're strong for the right reasons.. And that's what they want to see tomorrow. " Legoshi stood up straight and shook his head as he walked towards the door, " I'm sorry for taking up your time, I'll come again some other time. "

Legoshi stared with a frown towards the deer then began pulling the female's wrist to drag her out with him.

Leaving a herbivore upset and unpleased.

" I really didn't want to hear that from you, if only I told that to your little wolf;

She would've done it without a thought. "

Little did he know, he was wrong to assume such badly about her because what she had was taught from a young age due to her traumatic past;


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