Chapter 37

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The car rolls to an abrupt halt, and I scramble out, immediately alarmed by the masses of paparazzi mulling around the flat. There was no way I wasn't going to be seen, but I had no choice. I needed to get into the flat.

As soon as I reached the airport, I rang Peter for an update. He had Molly, and told me YN was in danger. The authorities had been called, but by the looks of it, they'd done absolutely nothing.

I had to rescue her myself.

I push my way through the crowd, hearing their cameras click relentlessly and questions being thrown at me.

"There he is!" I hear one man shout, and immediately try to cover my face somewhat, however, my attention is caught when I realise it isn't me they're referring to.

My breathing quickens as I see the crowd rush forward towards whoever 'he' is. I hear a male voice roaring, demanding to be let go, and I just about catch the face of the man as he's tackled to the ground.


He's wrestled to the ground as he tries to run away from whatever has happened in the house, and the sound of him yelling as well as the reporters and photographers is jarring.

I seem to be in a daze, but I manage to shake myself out of it by remembering why I was here. Wasting no more time, I shove past any obstacle in my way and burst through YN's front door.

"YN?" I shout, slamming the door and frantically running into the living room.

I can't see her, so I shout her name again, dashing into the hall and towards the kitchen.

Swinging the door open, my eyes search frantically, and my breathing seems to stop momentarily when I see YN's body, slumped in the floor.

I stumble backwards, almost falling to the floor in shock, placing a hand over my mouth. Forcing myself to enter the kitchen again, I take a deep breath and rush to her side, lying her down flat.

Scanning her body, I feel every breath knocked from my lungs, every slither of hope I had diminish.

She's not breathing.

I begin to sob uncontrollably, picking her head up and placing it on my lap, noticing how my hands appear to red with the blood of a wound at the back of her head.

There are bruises around her throat, and cuts and scratches all over her body. I feel sick, and I have to look away.

I was too late.

Though it wouldn't make the slightest bit of difference, I cast my eyes on the telephone and quickly lay YN back down again before leaping up and dialing for an ambulance.

"Please, you've got to help me! She's not breathing, and- and her head is bleeding, PLEASE!" I cry, frantically begging for help from the operator.

"Okay, if you're quick enough, you may be able to get her breathing again. You know chest compressions? We've got an ambulance on the way."

Before I give myself time to answer, I'm racing back to YN, and crossing my hands over her chest.

With the operator guiding my speed, I begin to press down onto her, praying that I'll be able to get her breathing again.

I do the first series of compressions, with no response.

"It's not working!" I scream, desperately trying to get YN back.

"Attempt mouth to mouth."

Wordlessly, I open her mouth and press my mouth onto hers, blowing into it. I watch her chest, hoping to see some movement. Nothing.

"Come on, YN." I pant, positioning myself to do more chest compressions. "Come on."

I try for five minutes, alternating between chest compressions and mouth to mouth, each attempt in vain.

"I'm very sorry, but I don't think it's going to work. You've done everything you can." I hear the operators voice faintly.

Sobbing, I clutch at my head, looking at YN's body. This can't be it.

"YN..." I whimper, stroking her hair as it lays spread across the tiles.

Closing my eyes, I feel a scream rising in my throat.

"No! This isn't it!"

I leap back up onto my knees, and start compressions again.

Grunting with every movement, I refuse to give up.

After a minute or so, my hands and arms begin to tire and I know I can't go on.

Slowing down, I curse myself for not having the energy or strength to carry on. Pinching the bridge of my nose, I realise that it's over.

'Norwiegan Wood' is over.

I can't hold back my sobs any longer, and I scream, my yells echoing through the apartment.

Her head rests in my lap, and I take her hand, stroking it as I always would.

As the shock sets in, my sobbing subsides, though the tears do not cease.

"Thank you, YN. I don't know what I did to deserve you. You gave me everything, you gave me a FAMILY. I didn't deserve to even know you, never mind have a baby with you. I was never one to express how I was feeling, but then you came along, and then Molly...and I felt so much love for you both that it was impossible to hide. She's going to grow up, and be just like you." I chuckle, stroking YN's cheek that now held only the slightest warmth.

"I'll make sure of it. If she's just the slightest bit like you, she'll be the most beautiful, intelligent, funny girl in the world. I'll never let her forget you, because I will never be able to shake you from my mind. I always loved you, YN, and I'll keep loving you for the rest of my life."

I close my eyes and lower my lips to her temple.

At that moment, I almost jump out of my skin in fright when I hear a frantic inhale of breath, followed by choking and spluttering.

Her eyes shoot open and she looks around the room, trying to figure out where she is.

"YN!" I cry, laughing and feeling more tears roll down my cheeks.


I throw my arms around her and feel her shaky breaths on my neck, reminding me that this is real.

"Molly..." She whispers, voice coming out hoarse and shaky.

"Don't worry, she's safe. You're safe now. I'm not letting either of you out of my sight."

I place my mouth onto hers as she becomes more and more awake.

Not long after, the ambulance arrives and she's placed inside of it, neither of us letting go of the others hand.

I laugh breathlessly, relief coursing through my body.

Norwegian Wood wasn't over, the song continues.

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⏰ Last updated: Jul 20, 2020 ⏰

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