Chapter 10

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*flashback continues*

"You're not a fan, then?" John asks through the hatch in the wall as he pours our drinks.

"Well... I'm not not a fan." I laugh nervously. "I've just never really have time to listen to much music."

"Fine." He smile, bringing in our drinks and plonking down onto his sofa next to me.

"Cheers." He whispers, clinking my glass.

We both take a sip from our glasses, and he reaches forward to place it on the glass coffee table. John stands, smoothes his trousers and heads towards the door.

"I'm just going to change. I've been in this all day." He chuckles.

I nod and smile as he leaves.

Whilst he's gone, I cast an investigative glance around the room I'm currently sat in. On one side, there are numerous book shelves that stretch from one end of the room to the other, packed full of literature and silly little caricature statues. On the other side of the room is a fireplace, that isn't yet lit. The sofa is cream leather, to match the cream coloured carpeting. Everything looks pristine, hence why I had to remove my shoes at the door.

Curling my toes on the lush carpet, I stretch and stand, intending to check out some of the books he has on display. Like the sofa, they're leather bound.

Scanning my eyes across, I see all manner of authors and genres, some of which didn't strike me as being interesting to man like John Lennon, but then again, I hardly know him.

As I'm doing this, a red box in the corner of the room snatches my vision. Peeking quickly to the door, I stride towards it, opening it to reveal records and singles. Flicking through them, hoping they'd give me something to converse about with him, I take note of the artists he apparently enjoys. Buddy Holly, Elvis...

I study them with intrigue, so much so that I don't hear the door open.

"You found me records then."

I jump back and land on my backside, like a deer caught in headlights. I breathe rapidly, and I try to find an explanation for me riffling through his things.

"They're alright, but I think you'd be much more interested in this box." He chuckles, sliding out another box, black this time, from under the sofa.

He opens it, not taking his amused eyes off me, and gestures for me to look through.

I laugh nervously and step forward, hands reaching out to it. It's not long after that I realise they're all Beatle records, there being several of the same ones.

I shoot a knowing glance to John, who's stood fairly close to me, and roll my eyes.

"Why don't we put one on?" He whispers, edging closer to me, reaching for their latest record. As he brushes past me, his eyes are glued to my lips.

John turns and walks in the direction of the record player, slipping the vinyl out of it's sleeve and setting it going.

The opening chords play, and I sit down in order to listen to it properly. He smiles with pride at me, before taking our glasses out to the kitchen to be refilled.

By the time he comes back, that songs finished, and the second has come on.

John's raspy voice fills the room, as the record plays a number plays "I Should Have Known Better."

John mingles round the room, as if nervous all of a sudden.

Before I can ask what's wrong, the song finishes. John comes over to me, taking my hands and kneeling in front of me.

"Can I dance with you?"

"I'd love you to." I smile.

Gracefully standing, not letting go of John's hand, I twirl into his arms.

"If I fell in love with you, would you promise to be true, and help me, understand..." He sings sincerely, looking deeply into my eyes, which weren't very far away from his own.

We sway gently, whilst he sings to me, and I'm enamoured. I drown in his brown orbs, mouth hanging slightly open in awe of his voice, his dancing, his everything.

"If I gave my heart, to you, I must be sure..." He continues to sing, voice now barely above a whisper, as his eyes continue to bore into mine.

He sings along for the rest of the song, and then reaches the last few lines.

"When she learns we are two, if I fell in love with you." He speaks, rather than sings. John stops swaying, and shifts his eyes to my lips.

As the last few notes ring out through the room, he leans in, as do I, and places his lips on mine.

What starts as an innocent, spur of the moment kiss soon increases in pace, passion and lust.

The record keeps on playing, while he holds my waist, and I hold his shoulders.

John's tongue dances along my lower lip, then into my willing mouth. Tugging me closer, our tongues begin to dance to high-paced music of "I'm Happy Just To Dance With You." It massages every groove and every tooth in my mouth.

After several minutes of connection, John steps back, and I stand there mindblown.

My mouth hangs wide open at the love I've just been shown, and the passion I've never experienced before. John chuckles, and takes my hands, swinging them in between our bodies (which are now significantly heated.)

"Miss Swann, I do believe I've fallen in love with you."

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