Chapter 13 (SMUT)

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I was left alone, but I was content. Memories from last night we're slowly filtering through, each one giving me a thrill as if I was living them again.

Smiling and sitting up, I stretch my arms over my head then drop them, letting my hands caress the silky sheet beneath me. "I could get used this" I think to myself.

Throwing on one of his shirts that had been left lying around, I stride over to the table with a newfound confidence and sit with poise, and purpose, as if performing for an esteemed audience, or even John himself.

Rummaging in my bag for my pen and notepad, I begin to jot some questions down, as best I could when my mind kept wandering to that thing John did with! Concentrate!

'So, boys how are you enjoying touring?'

'Which was your least favourite song on the album?'

'John, when did you learn that thing you did with your tongue?'

Sighing, and laughing, I throw my pen down, and stand. Looks likes this is going to be a long day.


Deciding I may as well do something productive, I hope into the shower, which soon misted not only the glass, but my mind, which kept replaying glorious moments from yesterday.

Tracing the lines left by John and his mouth, I smooth the soap over my body, again, imaging John was watching enjoying every second.

The splattering and pounding of the water on the floor drowns out (pun intended) the sound of someone coming in.

When I turn round, with the intention of washing the soap out my hair through the steamed up glass of the shower, I see a figure, dressed in a black suit and tight black trousers leaning against the doorway, drinking in my body with lustful amusement.

"You're back early. Missed me too much?" I tease, continuing to wash my hair and move hips and hands sensually, enticing John into the room.

"You know, for someone who seemed so nervous yesterday, you don't half put on a show." John says, stepping closer to the shower and opening the door where we can see other clearly.

Finding what he said alluring, I slip his tie in between my fingers, and pull him, fully clothed.

I laugh when I hear him scream like a girl who's getting her hair wet after having it styled.

To shut him up, I shove my tongue into his mouth and he soon places his arms on the wall behind me rather than throwing them around.

He grinds his clothes hips into mine, begging me to take them off. I oblige willingly.

I slide his soaked trousers and pants down, eyeing his erection with desperate hunger. Considering for a moment that I'm already on my knees, an idea comes to my mind which I never thought would.

I want him in my mouth.

Taking a deep breath, and holding onto the base of his manhood, I look up and meet his eyes, making sure he wants this.

John bites his lip and nods eagerly, making me smirk.

Despite water spraying in my eyes and face, I edge my mouth forward, towards his member.

Before I can fully fit it in, I have to take it and cough. I choke on the water running into my mouth from the shower head, and from John's manhood nearly hitting the back of my throat.

Seeing this, John turns the shower head round, so it's still running but not spraying directly into my face. He smiles at me lovingly, and I smile back, resuming my position with my mouth around his cock.

Once he's fully inside, I take a minute to mentally prepare myself. Summoning all the courage I could muster, I begin to bob my head back and forth. After a few moments, John removes his hands from the wall and places them in my still soapy hair, rubbing my scalp and tugging my hair.

John begins to grunt, and though he fights the urge to thrust all the way down my throat, he has a good time trying to.

I moan as I begin to enjoy being face-fucked and the vibrations of my giggles cause twitches from John inside me. Knowing he's getting close, I clutch onto the back of his thighs, and bob as powerfully and meaningfully as I can.

And, soon enough, with a loud groan, John releases into the back of my mouth. I'd heard from some girls at school that they enjoy it more if you swallow it, so I do so, enjoying it straight away

I stand back up, and smile at John, who seems equally blisses out and proud at my job.

"You must've had some good practise with that mouth." He comments, making me laugh.


Just as I'm drying my hair (John being all ready by this time), he comes up behind me and wraps his arms around my waist, resting his head on my shoulder, swaying us from side to side.

"YN, you know...there are things we need to talk about." John mumbles sorrowfully, seeming to be sorry for something. Regretful almost.

Hiding my surprise at this sudden remark, I continue to dry my hair.

"Alright?" I respond, nervously.

Rather than continue, John falls silent, wanting enjoy the time swaying and watching with love in his eyes in the mirror at my reflection.

"What time is it?" I ask, not being able to turn and look at the clock.

"Ten to twelve. We've got to go soon."

I nod and speed up getting ready.

"Oh! That reminds me!" John exclaims, heading to his pocket. He fishes out a small piece of paper.

"I thought, that what with everything that's happened, you might get too flustered in the interview and mess up your questions, so I wrote some that we've already rehearsed." He smiles, placing the paper in front of me on the desk.

Pausing the job I was doing, I turn around in surprise. My mouth turns up into a massive smile as I throw my arms round him. I think what a kind gesture it is, and how he really does care about my job.

"Thank you. I love you." I peck him on the lips, and he smiles, somewhat uncomfortably, although I don't quite see it.

"You're welcome. Now come on, you're gonna get my suit all wet again!" He laughs, pushing me off and feigning disgust.

There comes a knock on the door, catching us both by surprise.

"Cab for Mr Lennon." A voice calls.

"Come on little bird, let's get your interview." He smirks, holding out his arm.


Hope that was alright x

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