Chapter 14

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"So, where do you find it easier to write songs, at home, in the studio, where?" I press, tapping my pen against my lip, which seems to spark John's interest.

"I mean, I guess it's not just where I am that inspires a song,y'know, it's who I'm with, what I'm doing, who I'm thinking of..."

"And you would agree John?" I break him out of the trance he was in with amusement.

"Oh, yes it depends on who I'm doing. WHAT I'M DOING! THAT'S WHAT I MEANT!" John stumbles, his mind tripping him up. He chuckles nervously, straightening his tie. This elicits some little giggles from the others.

I throw a few questions to all of them, making note of what they say.

Smiling, and pleased with my results, I put my pen down and finish the interview.

"Thank you guys, it's been a pleasure to meet you all."

"No problem love, anything for a pretty girl." Ringo winks, and John has to hide his frustration.

Blushing, I shake all their hands, John gripping the tightest and holding on for the longest. Smirking at me, he subtly leans into my ear.

"Meet me in the lobby in twenty minutes."

Biting my lip in anticipation, I nod without any of the others seeing.

Just like yesterday, after whispering in my ear, John kisses it, giving me a hint as to what might ensue later.

"So...where do we go from here?" I ask, skipping over to John's side.

"Well... that's what we need to talk about." He responds, nervously.

Suddenly feeling less full of joy and less full of hope, I calm myself, waiting for what was bound to come next.

"Okay. Where are we actually going though?" I ask.

"We could go back to yours?" He hints, playing with the straps of my top.

"I mean, we could but... it's a bombsite. I'm still moving in."

"I don't mind. I could help you with your things, something different like."

Finding his puppy dog eyes impossible to resist, I agree and take his hand, leading him out the doors.

I only lived down the road from where I worked, so it was just a short walk. Unlocking the door, we both step in, with John looking around what he could see of my flat, seeming to approve of the bare walls and numerous cardboard boxes scattered around.

"Like I said, I'm not done unpacking yet..." I furrow my brow with worry at the idea of him being scared by my unpreparedness.

"Love, it's okay." He holds my forearms, looking me dead in the eyes.

"Alright." I breathe. "Just through there." I gesture to the living room, although it hadn't experienced much living in yet.

"I'll get us some coffee." I state, heading to the kitchen.

When my back is turned, I cringe at the image I create of his face when he sees that as of yet, I have no sofas, no chairs just a rug that was a moving in present from my mom. And even that isn't the heights of luxury John must be used to.

Trying my best to shake those thoughts off, I make the coffee and take it into John, who I find has found a nice patch of rug on which to sit.

"As you can see, no expense has been spared." I chuckle, handing his drink.

He laughs, and takes his cup gratefully.

I sit, legs crossed opposite him, placing my cup on my right side on the floor. We sit in silence for a few minutes, not really wanting to discuss what we needed to.

Clearing his throat, John takes my hands in his.

"YN, we need to talk."

Closing my eyes, tears already threaten to overspill at the mere thought of what's coming next.

I nod, urging it to be over quickly.

"As you know, we're moving on in three days." He painfully reminded me, looking sincerely into my eyes.

"And I really want to make the most of what time we've got left."

I had previously refused to admit that this would only be a brief fling, because I was falling in love with him. I already had fallen in love with him.

Sucking in my bottom lip like a child, I let him carry on breaking my heart.

"It's been amazing, and still is amazing. I've never met a girl quite like you."

I smile, before giving into my emotions and breaking down in front of him.

Sobbing and clutching onto his shirt, John strokes my hair, shooshing me.

"Why can't I come with you?" I cry, desperately wanting to stay with him. "I'll move to England, anything it takes! I just want you!" I sob, desperately clawing at his shirt as if it would stop him flying away.

I hear him exhale loudly.

"I'm sorry, you can't."

Screwing up my face, and unlatching myself from him, I look up into John's face,  disgust lacing my features.

" used me? You said you were falling in love with me just to get in my pants?"

"No! I would never! I am falling in love with you! So hard and so quickly!" He begs.

Squeezing my eyes shut, I shake my head, trying to clear my thoughts.

"So why don't you want me in England?" I ask, in a calmer, more hurt tone.

"There's... there's things in my life that make it impossible. I can't say anything more, but I will say one more thing: "I think you're amazing, YN, and this time with you has been one of the best experiences of my life."

Not knowing how to react, I stand still, collating my thoughts.

I always should have known someone like John would never love someone like me, however much he insists he does.

After a few minutes of tense, sorrowful silence, I find the bravery to speak.

"I need to think things over. I also need to sleep, I have work tommorow."

"It's my day off tommorow." John laughs, trying to lighten the mood.

"But I only have a single bed, so if you want to stay, you'll have to find somewhere else to sleep."

Understanding my slight hostility completely, John nods and stands, coming over to me.

He wraps his arms around me, kissing my lips softly. I close my eyes, secretly savoring what might be my last taste of his mouth on mine.

"Sweet dreams love." He smiles, before heading up and finding somewhere else to sleep, leaving me feeling alone, in my empty flat for the upteenth time.


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I love y'all so so much it's actually insane

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