Chapter 31

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"You didn't need to punch him, John. He was drunk."

John and I are stood outside the venue, giving him a minute to calm down (a minute for the guests to try and rouse Brad awake.)

"Yes I did. He's always fucking drunk. What kind of man is he to be looking after Molly? Looking after you?"

John spits through bared teeth.

"It's your wedding day, John."

John just grunts and brings his cigarette to his mouth again, inhaling deeply.

Before I can say anything else, Cynthia emerges from the building, lifting her dress up so it doesn't drag on the concrete.

"John, what the hell did you do that for?"

"He deserved it." He retorts non-chalantly.

Cynthia sighs and looks to me, fury in her eyes.

"This was you. You made John show himself up on our wedding day."

"Do you think I asked him to knock my boyfriend out cold?" I reply sarcastically.

She huffs and turns her back, going back inside.

Leaning back up against the wall, I watch as John winces and shakes his hand, willing the pain in his knuckles to subside.

I look down at his hand and see it's bruising quickly, and one of the knuckles is bleeding, probably from when he punched the wall in anger.

"John, you need help for that."

"No I don't, it's fine."

"No, John trust me, you don't want it to get infected."

I grab his arm and lead him to bathroom, where I begin the process of cleaning the cut.

Whilst I'm working, I'm aware of John's brown eyes watching my face contort in concentration.

I look up at him, and he smiles softly.

"Okay, you're done." I smile.

"Thanks." He says, admiring the his make shift bandage.

We stand in the bathroom for a moment, not knowing what else to say.

"Haven't you got a honeymoon to get to?" I laugh nervously.

"Yes." John states, looking straight at me, not moving.

"But there's something I need to do first."

I watch as he leans forward, with the intention of kissing me.

"John, no." I step away, bewildering him. "You're married now. It's my turn to say 'I can't.'"

His eyes close in dissappointment, but he nods, smoothing out his suit.

"You'd better go." I whisper, voice hitching with the threat of tears overspilling onto my cheeks.

John nods reluctantly again, before heading to the bathroom door. He pauses by the door, turning to me.

He steps closer to me, and places a kiss on my cheek, causing the dam behind my eyes to break.

John pulls back, looking at me sadly for a moment before leaving for his honeymoon with his new wife.


With help from one of John's friends, I manage to bundle Brad into the taxi before climbing in with Molly on my lap. Before the cab moves away, I roll down the window in order to say my final goodbye to Mimi, who had been a godsend all day.

"Now dear, this is my number. I'd appreciate it if you'd call me when you get back home. For my own sanity." She sighs as she hands me a little piece of paper with her landline on it.

"Of course." I smile. "Thank you for everything today. I don't think I could have managed without you."

"Touché, my dear. And remember what I said- he loves you."

"I think you'll find it's 'She Loves You.'" I joke, trying to lighten my own mood. Mimi chuckles stiffly before standing to her full height.

"Well then, stay in touch."

"Will do." I smile, instructing the driver to move away.

Molly and I wave to Mimi as her figure gets smaller and smaller and soon, we're on our way back to the hotel.

Once we're in, I feel like dropping. I lie my sleeping baby in her cot and guide Brad to the sofa where he'll be sleeping tonight. Then, I climb straight into the bed, the crisp, cool sheets making me feel better immediately.


Hey guys I'm so sorry I've been slacking with chapters! Things are just crazy busy atm, but I promise I'm getting back into it x

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