Chapter 7

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Pulling into the driveway, Brad puts his hand on my knee, massaging it lovingly.

"Welcome home, YN."

I smile and take his hand, entwining our fingers. Before stepping out, we stare into each others eyes and then look into the back seat, where Molly sits in her baby carrier. She's looking out the window, eyes open for the first time in ages.

"This your home now, Moll." I smile, getting her out of the back and carrying her inside the flat.

I place her travel cot on the sofa and turn round to embrace Brad. I snuggle up to his chest, and he holds me tightly, kissing the top of my head. We stand and admire Molly who's asleep with the dummy in her mouth.

"Baby, why don't you go upstairs and have a nap?"

"Mm, that sounds beautiful." I drag myself out from his cacoon and go for a sleep.


My nostrils fill with the smell of tomatoes and herbs from the kitchen, and my body pulls itself to where Brad is preparing dinner.

"Something smells good." I smile, wrapping my arms round his waist as he stands at the counter.

"Thank you." He beams.

He leans closer and we both close our eyes, savouring the sweet kiss Brad starts. That is until the doorbell goes.

"Ugh, I'll get it." I groan, slowly letting go of my boyfriend.

I skip over to the door and open it, expecting it to be Brad's parents, or even my own family.

It isn't.

"We never had that talk, YN." The Scouser reminds me.

"That's because you said you couldn't be here for her."

"Just because I can't be with her and you, doesn't mean that I can't and won't pay for her. I want her to have a nice life, and I want to help you give her that."

I think about what he's saying, and step out of the way of the door.

"You better come in then."


"I'll send $200 a week. And if it's not enough, I'll happily send more. I don't want my daughter to be going without."

Brad and I nod and look at each other, relief and hope making us smile.

"What about visiting?" I ask, still hopeful he'll want to see his daughter.

John smoothes his trousers legs awkwardly, and coughs.

"I want to see her, but as I've said, now's not the best time."

"Oh, well, I'm sure she's so terribly sorry she chose to be born at such a bad time for you." I roll my eyes, getting fed up of John being selfish towards Molly.

"No one should be sorry. She's the best thing that's happened to me." He states, shutting me up immediately.

After clearing his throat again, he continues.

"When the next album's done, I'll have more time, and I want to spend it with her. And I think it's only fair that Cynthia meets her too."

The mention of her name makes me bite my lip nervously. What if she doesn't accept her? I shake those thoughts aside, not wanting to cry in front of our guest.

"I think she'll be a bit too young to travel all the way to England, won't she? So why don't Cynthia and I come here? It will be a nice break for us, and we'll get to see Molly, and you." John explains, while I absorb what he's saying.

"Well, I suppose that would be more ideal." I shrug, reaching over to Molly who is waking up in her crib in the living room.

"Great, well I'll be in touch. And I'll give you my number so you can ring me." John stands and pulls out a pen and scrap of paper from his blazer pocket.

He scribbles down his phone number, tongue sticking out in concentration. I always found that rather cute.

Handing me the scrap, he heads over to the cot and lifts Molly out. She's just woken up, so she seems a bit drowsy.

"Hello, little girl." John coos, holding her closely to his chest and stroking her head. "Daddy loves you, and we'll see each other soon! I can't wait! You can show me all the sights around New York!" He whispers, chuckling.

Everyone goes silent for a while, and John just bounces Molly gently, cherishing every minute with her.

Soon, he realises he has to go. John slowly pulls Molly away from his chest, holding her in front of him. He stares at all of her gorgeous features, tears running down his face. He wants to remember every part of her.

Exhaling loudly, he looks away, blinking back more tears. I take this as an indication to take Molly. He wipes at his eyes, and then turns round to Brad, Molly and I. He touches a feather light kiss to Molly's head, making her smile and then kisses me on the cheek. John shakes Brad's hand, and   says goodbye.

Together, as our own little family, we watch as John walks away, with a final sorrowful glace back at us. And then, just as quick as he arrived, he was gone.

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