Chapter 4

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Following a mad dash to the car, Brad and I were racing to the hospital. While I was trying to control my breathing, Brad kept having to control his own panic at the thought of the baby being born in his car.

Through clenched eyes, I saw we had finally reached the hospital and he sprinted from the car, helped me out, frantically screaming for help. Brad was really over reacting, but I knew it was because he cared so deeply about the both of us, unlike someone.

Nurses whisked me off to the delivery room, where three hours later, with Brad crying at my side, I gave birth to a healthy little girl.

Brad was ecstatic when he became a father, and cuddled me, crying how much he loved us. When he was able to hold her, he gazed at her with the all the love in the world, like she was his own.

Eventually, Brad gave her over to me, and my own tears started. She was beautiful.

"Oh my god, Brad. She's perfect."

"Yeah, she is." A voice (not belonging to Brad) calls from the doorway.

We both look up at who the visitor is, and my face immediately twists into a scowl.

I look to Brad, who looks at me with an equal measure of guilt, and sympathy.

"He has a right to be here, (YN)." Brad nods, standing up to greet him.

John steps into the room, bearing a bunch of flowers. He walks towards the bed almost tentatively, not taking his eyes off his daughter, who's sleeping on my chest.

He inhales sharply when he sees her face properly, and drops into the chair.

"Molly, say hello to your daddy."

John's eyes meet mine for the first time when I reveal her name.


I nod. "Molly Julia Swann."

John's eyes close, and he wipes quickly at them, suggesting he's about to cry.

I smile tightly, just as Molly begins to whine and move around.

"I think she wants you to hold her." I smile, pushing myself up the bed so I can sit up. Brad rushes over to help me.

John places the flowers on the bed, and also sits up in his chair, getting ready to hold his daughter for the first time.

I gently hand her over, and she snuggles up in his arms, immediately quietening down.

"There you are ." He breaths, gazing at her in awe.

I can't help but smile slightly at the sight. At least he's remembered she exists, and maybe this means he'll take responsibility and support us.

I'm dragged out of my thoughts by Brad's hand on my shoulder, I smile at him and turn back to Molly in John's arms. She's tiny, but the perfect size for him.

John looks as though he's in love, and he strokes her head delicately.

When he looks up at Brad and I, he is crying. He laughs quietly.

"Oh, god. Look at me." He sniffles. Brad hands him a tissue, and he accepts it gratefully.

" have you both been?" He asks, whispering as to not wake Molly.

"You have a nerve to ask that." I spit. Brad just nudges me, silently telling me to play nice.

"We've been busy. Getting ready and stuff." Brad informs him.

"Yeah, I bet." He chuckles, taking another look at his daughter.

"Why did you want to call her Julia?" John asks me sincerely.

"Because as much as neither of us planned it, she is your daughter and she deserves to know who she is."

He smiles at me. "Thank you." John nods, struggling to hold back more tears.

"What do you think then?" Brad asks him, rubbing my shoulders.

After another look, John comments on "how marvellous she is."

I beam with pride.

"What does Cynthia think?" I ask, after clearing my throat.

John shifts uncomfortably in his seat before responding.

"Well, she was angry at first. Kicked out me for a few weeks, but then decided there was nothing she could do but accept it because she loves me."

We nod understandingly. I know the urgent need to discuss financial help. God knows he can afford it.

"Listen, John. There's things we need to discuss."

He clears his throat and nods, agreeing we need to talk.

"We'll need financial support. Our two jobs combined isn't enough, and I think you'll agree when we say it's only fair you give some of your fortune towards bringing up your daughter."

John listens intently, nodding every so often.

"Sounds fair to me."

"And as for visiting, we both want you to have a relationship with her, but I remember what you said. You said no. So, we've accepted that you don't want to see her, nor be a part of her life, so just financial support would suffice." I explain.

For the first time, John speaks up.

"Yeah, about that. I spoke to Brian, and he agrees with you that I should make time for her, and I've realised I do want to be part of her life."

I squint, at him.

"Are you sure? Because you can't be there for the first year or so and then just abandon her."

"No. I want her to know me and I want her to love me. Because god knows I love her." John insists, watching her as she sleeps.

I smile at him for the first time, and then at Brad.

Just as I'm about to speak again, the nurse enters the room.

"Good evening, sir, and...Mr Lennon." She jumps slightly when she sees the Beatle holding our baby.

Quickly composing herself, she continues.

"I'm sorry to inform you, but visiting hours are over now, and YN needs to rest." She smiles.

John stands, still holding Molly and he holds her in front of his face, taking in her tiny features one more time before he leaves. He lowers his head and kisses the top of her head, smiling when she squirms and gurgles slightly at the contact.

I reach my arms out to take her, and John gently lays her on my chest, taking his time.

"Thank you, YN. I promise I'll keep in touch." He smiles widely at me, kissing my cheek. Brad holds my hand and we all watch as he leaves, with one parting look.

The nurse reminds Brad that visiting hours are over, and he insists he'll only be another minute. Sitting down in the chair next to me, he kisses my lips, and strokes Molly's head softly, before leaning down and kissing her head.

"I'll be back first thing in the morning." He insists, before kissing us again, and leaving.

The nurse wheels in a crib in which Molly Julia Swann can sleep next to me, because the nurse knows I won't let her go.

With all the lights turned off and Molly holding onto my finger from her crib, I think about what John said. He wants to be a part of her life. How I hope he sticks to his promise.


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