Chapter 35

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I stumble over to where Molly is and pick her up, having to lean on her crib so I don't fall. When I'm upright with her in my arms, I shuffle out of the room to the landing, where I grasp onto the bannister with my other hand.

Slowly, step by step I descend the stairs with Molly holding her arms tightly round my neck.

I finally we reach the bottom, and I feel Molly's arms loosen. I can still hear murmurs of chatter outside the door.

"Come on, let's you some food." I sigh, looking at my daughter.

Ignoring the aches and pains throughout my body, I shuffle into the kitchen.

Sitting her in her high chair, I strap her in and head to the fridge. I retrieve three eggs and head over to the stove, lighting it up and cracking them into the pan.

Absentmindedly, I stand there watching as they cook from translucent to white.

However, I'm startled by a quiet knocking on the window. Jumping back in fright, I almost knock the pan off the stove as I head over to shield my daughter.

"YN! Don't be scared! My name's Peter! John sent me!" He whispers through the gap in the window.

I step a bit closer, and scan his face.

My eyes widen when I recognise his face from the wedding. I know I can trust him. I'd heard John talk about him quite a lot.

"There's hundreds of reporters and I don't know what to do and my boyfriend is keeping us here an-"

"YN. Calm down. I'm here to help you. Where's Brad right now?"

"In the living room, asleep."

"Okay fine. John's asked me to check Molly's safe."

"Yeah, she's here but I'm terrified Peter! Brad might do something and I can't protect her an-"

"Listen, John is flying over to New York right now. Give her to me, and I'll look after her, I promise. I gave John my word, and we've been friends for ten years."

I look at him in fear. I know I can trust him, but I have an overriding feeling of reluctance.

However, I know I need to get her out of here.

Closing my eyes and turning around to where my daughter looks on curiously, I walk over to her and kneel by her chair.

I begin to unclip her straps and lift her out, balancing her on my hip.

"You'll be safe now, baby." I choke back my tears. "Peter's going to take you away from here, and you'll see Daddy soon! He misses you!"

I clear my throat and blink back my tears.

"Now promise me this. You'll grow up, and work hard. Follow your dreams. Do whatever you want to do, and I'll be insanely proud of you, little one. But please..."

I force myself to look at her one last time.

"Please don't forget me."

Sobbing, I make my way back over to the window and I open it up fully with shaky hands.

Peter has his arms outstretched to take her, and with a final kiss on her forehead, I hand her over to him.

Molly hand holds onto mine but eventually let's go.

"Please look after her." I wail. "Don't let her forget about me."

I squeeze my eyes shut when Molly's little arms reach out for me and her eyes grow watery, mouth turning into a frown. He lower lip wobbles and I force myself to look away.

"YN. We're going to get you out. Trust me. The police are coming."

I shake my head, not believing a word he says, tears streaming down my face. They'll be too late.

"John says he loves you."

"Tell him I love him too. And tell him I'm sorry."

We stand there for a minute, Molly and I crying for each other.

"You better take h-"

"YN!" We both freeze as Brad's voice bellows from the living room. Eyes wide in fear, I turn to Peter quickly.


And without hesitation, Peter rushes off with Molly screaming and reaching for me in his arms.

The last image of daughter I have is of her crying in fear.

But she's safe now.

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