Ch25.1 - Zombie Lovers (8)

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[The acceptance of this task is voluntary. 50 points will be rewarded to the first person to complete it, 30 points for the second, 10 points for the third and so on. 50 points will be deducted from those who don’t complete it. After accepting, the app will provide three locations within 50 kilometres where zombies can be found. The task is valid for one day and one night.]

[It is important to note that the task zombie can’t be selected as a target.] 

The Zombie Manual wrote that after being bitten by a zombie,  as long as the corpse poison wasn’t heavy, the body just had to be soaked in glutinous rice water, the glutinous rice applied to the wound and the blood circulation increased through exercise and generally, people could recover from the corpse person. If the corpse poison was relatively heavy then these actions could only alleviate the speed of becoming a zombie, not cure it. At this time, zombie tooth powder or blood was needed.

Zombie tooth powder was powder made from zombie teeth.

Story translated by Chrysanthemum Garden.

The people who heard the task had automatically glanced toward the copper-cornered gold coffin in the yard, obviously thinking about using this zombie’s teeth. Yet the app had made special note of it and they stopped having this idea. They glanced around at everyone in an alert manner and no one accepted the task first.

Yan Jing opened his mouth, “Brother Xie, will you accept—” 

He hadn’t finished speaking when Lu Wen saw Xie Chi swipe the screen to accept the task. It seemed he didn’t even need to think about it.

Lu Wen felt a bit annoyed that he didn’t have time to persuade Xie Chi. “This task takes a long time and there are few rewards. It isn’t completed yet and the information provided before accepting isn’t enough. In fact, we should’ve waited for others to take a look at the specific situation before considering…”

Xie Chi smiled. “I am lacking points and don’t want to let go of any points.”

Then he lowered his head and brushed off the dust on his body.

Lu Wen found it a bit difficult to move his gaze away from Xie Chi. “What if it is very troublesome? Maybe staying here can increase the degree of plot exploration. After all, the coffin is here…”

Story translated by Chrysanthemum Garden.

“I generally don’t give myself a way back.” Xie Chi tidied himself up and spoke casually. “This way, I won’t waste time thinking about whether it is worth it or not. It can always be done if I make up my mind. It is annoying to think too much about it.”

Xie Chi rarely showed impatience but this time he frowned.

We’re sorry for MTLers or people who like using reading mode, but our translations keep getting stolen by aggregators so we’re going to bring back the copy protection. If you need to MTL please retype the gibberish parts.

Xie Chi grew up doing everything he wanted to do. He never doubted that he would one day have his brother. 

Tjc Alcu kjr vffqis abemtfv ys atlr. Dgbatfg Wlf kjr lcvffv ilxf atlr ogbw yfulcclcu ab fcv. Lf cfnfg mbcrlvfgfv lo la kjr vloolmeia bg cba. Pa kjr bcis kbgat mbcrlvfglcu lo la kjr qbrrlyif bg cba. Coafg jii, tf ybeuta wjcs atlcur erlcu tlr qegf qfgrejrlnf qbkfg jcv fjrlis fcafgfv atf tlut-fcv mbwweclas bo atf ofwjif ybrr. Lf vlvc’a xcbk atf rlaejalbc sfa tf vjgfv ab rajs yftlcv ab mtjiifcuf atf rlvf qiba ilcf…

It was easy to follow Brother Xie in a… blindly confident manner. Yan Jing couldn’t help sighing quietly. After all, Brother Xie seemed to be omnipotent. No matter how excellent a person, they would be eclipsed by him. Before Yan Jing entered the horror movie, he thought it would be easy to be regarded as a treasure. After all, he had the yin yang eyes. It was only when he got to know Xie Chi that he realized it was unnecessary for Xie Chi to have a partner. Xie Chi could accomplish almost everything by himself. He just pulled Yan Jing along, probably to repay the good faith.

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