Ch18 - Zombie Lovers (1)

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liked to pretend that nothing happened but in a few years, he had become his present self. From time to time, he could quietly say something that would kill Xie Xinglan with surprise. 

A few years ago, he wanted to be a pampered little brother. A few years later…

Xie Xinglan’s heart itched as he laughed.

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—He wanted to bully Xie Chi hard.


Finally, under the temptation of Xie Xinglan’s ‘be good, believe in yourself’, ‘the potential of human beings is unlimited’ and ‘it is merely big, not small’, Xie Chi changed it slightly with a hot face.

He drew the front view, the side view, the perspective view, the body and clothes as well as the details of various parts of the body.

The man with layered short hair was fierce, with long eyebrows and sideburns. The pupils were a slightly deep red-brown, his nose was tall and his lips were thin and lustrous. It was a very aggressive appearance but in a contradictory manner, it was also elegant and indifferent.

He was dressed in a black trench coat and stood in front of a rose bush. The roses had thorns and were a dark red like blood. The man was tall and upright with shoulders, a narrow waist and slender legs. He was beautiful.

Xie Chi was mischievous and drew his reflection in Xie Xinglan’s eyes. Then he looked at his masterpiece and slightly smiled.

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Xie Chi thought it would be very difficult to draw but in fact, he completed it very quickly. He didn’t even need to think about what Xie Xinglan looked like. Xie Xinglan could only be like this, nothing else. This was the only solution.

His brother had long been embodied in his mind. Every word and action made Xie Xinglan more vivid.

There was nothing that Xie Chi didn’t like and his brother’s appearance was what he liked. 

Xie Xinglan suddenly asked, “Why give me black star earrings?”

“Because…” Xie Chi thought of something and changed his mind. “I won’t tell you.”

Xie Xinglan felt helpless.


Once the drawing was complete, Xie Chi took photos of the various drawings and passed them onto the app.

[The model image has been received. The app will step up the production. Please wait patiently for a while.]

Xie Chi threw himself onto a soft bed and looked up at the stars outside.

He had learned to operate patiently in the long wait but he suddenly became eager. 

We’re sorry for MTLers or people who like using reading mode, but our translations keep getting stolen by aggregators so we’re going to bring back the copy protection. If you need to MTL please retype the gibberish parts.


Ktgff vjsr ijafg, Wlf Jtl gfmflnfv j cfk tbggbg wbnlf jccbecmfwfca.

Pc atfrf ofk vjsr, Wlf Jtl tjv rqfca rbwf alwf ujlclcu jc lc-vfqat ecvfgrajcvlcu bo atf jqq’r jufca rsrafw.

Story translated by Chrysanthemum Garden.

Ktf jufcar kbgxfv qjga alwf yfmjerf atf jqq’r  ibk-ifnfi jmabgr kfgf abb cewfgber ab wjcjuf. Ktfs ijmxfv fzqfglfcmf jcv la kjr fjrs ab mtbbrf atf kgbcu tbggbg wbnlf, mjerlcu atflg vfjat. 

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