Ch15 - Spirit in Red Clothes (14) - End

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Outside the company building, thunder struck and there was heavy rain.

Xie Xinglan pulled out the dagger that he had inserted into the ground to support himself. The female boss had played enough and was ready to kill the prey she had slowly enjoyed. Then her prey suddenly smiled and jumped vertically. The female boss showed a trace of humanity in her eyes. She had obviously misjudged the vitality and ambition of her prey. 

[Ahhhh the little brother can still fight!]

[So handsome!]

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“Overestimating your capabilities!” The female boss was furious.

The dagger was close. The female boss raised a spider leg to block it and the two collided, making a clear and harsh metal impact sound. 

Xie Xinglan’s mouth ached but he didn’t retreat. The female boss possessed a terrible jumping power and could stick to any wall to pounce at him. He had no chance of winning at a distance. However, she had huge limbs and needed time to respond. Her flexibility was extremely poor and this was precisely his advantage.

Xie Xinglan analyzed this in a very short time. Then he sneered and came forward with a desire for war in his eyes.

[He is crazy. He wants a close fight!]

[Worried ahhhh. Why isn’t he running? The boss is too big.]

[Little brother, run ahhhhhhh]

Story translated by Chrysanthemum Garden.

The female boss once again misjudged the behaviour of the prey and froze for a few seconds. Then she attacked furiously, wanting to crush her prey to powder.

She was extremely powerful and destructive but had to pause for one or two seconds after each other. Xie Xinglan’s six senses had reached their peak. He used skill and flexibility to accurately avoid all her attacks, catching her flaws and fighting back.

All the attacks of the female boss involved raising her legs high and dropping them. The unbalanced strength made her totter. It was another failed attack and her left foreleg was deeply inserted into the ground, causing a burst of broken tiles and stone. 

Xie Xinglan seized the opportunity to move to the female boss’ side, making a vertical jump and jumping onto the female boss’ left foreleg. The sudden heavy pressure forced the female boss’ left foreleg deeper and it was hard for her to pull it out.

The female boss roared furiously, obviously not expecting to be tricked like this by a human.

Xie Xinglan used the short advantage to try and attack, but the female boss was too hard. The knife wouldn’t pierce her.

The female boss finally pulled out her left foreleg and there was the fierce sound of a dagger colliding with a spider leg. The audience outside the movie felt deaf. 

Xie Xinglan was calm. He glanced at the eyes of the female boss and suddenly had an idea.

Xie Xinglan grinned and during the next gap the female boss showed, he pulled her cumbersome hair.

Her hair was pulled and the boss was unsteady. Xie Xinglan swept at her legs to make her fall down and the sharp dagger fell rapidly toward her eyes. Blood splattered, staining his slender white hands.

[Wtf ahhhhhhhh!] 

[The female boss is blind ahhhhh]

We’re sorry for MTLers or people who like using reading mode, but our translations keep getting stolen by aggregators so we’re going to bring back the copy protection. If you need to MTL please retype the gibberish parts.

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