Chapter 21.3

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Lu Wen was instructed by Taoist Xuan Cheng to wash the bowl previously filled with ink. He subconsciously searched for the thin figure in the crowd. After seeing it, he hesitated for a few seconds before walking over with the bowl.

Lu Wen asked Xie Chi about what happened before. Xie Chi smiled and gave a brief explanation before sharing the clues he knew with Lu Wen. 

Lu Wen’s eyes were startled and they involuntarily lit up. “You explored so much.”

“It was good luck.” Xie Chi accepted it and didn’t want to say anything else.

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Lu Wen glanced at him. In the night, the man’s white face could be seen. It was a gentle and handsome face. The jawline was clear and beautiful and there was no sharpness. Instead, it was like polished jade, modest and approachable.

Lu Wen had shot several horror movies and met too many actors who did whatever they wanted. He never thought that someone could be as open and sincere as Xie Chi. Xie Chi was special and kind. Xie Chi was also unexpectedly clever and Lu Wen happened to be able to protect him. Lu Wen thought so and smiled slightly. Only Xie Chi wouldn’t feel disgusted by his face. 

“Brother Lu?” Yan Jing called out after seeing that he was in a daze and Xie Chi also glanced over curiously.

Lu Wen regained his mind and turned his face away in an uncomfortable manner. He raised the bowl in his hand to show the two people. “I’ll go and find a water source to wash it.”

Yan Jing was short and standing beside Lu Wen, his nose happened to be close to the bowl. He subconsciously smelled it and his sparse eyebrows suddenly twisted. Curiously, it didn’t smell strongly of pheasant blood. There was just a faint salty smell.

Yan Jing followed his grandfather and watched his grandfather make the ink marker many times. The smell of ink was very irritating. In contrast, the smell of blood in this bowl was a bit weak but there wasn’t a big difference. Ordinary people couldn’t smell it. Yan Jing just didn’t like it because his sense of smell was too strong. He thought that the scene of pheasant blood was weak and didn’t take it seriously.

Once Lu Wen came back from washing the bowl, the group of people formally started on the road. There were a total of nine disciples and two people were responsible for lifting the corners of the coffin in turn. One extra person was responsible for the gap while Taoist Xuan Cheng took the lead.

Story translated by Chrysanthemum Garden.

Xie Chi was assigned to be with Zhou Tong. Zhou Tong lifted it first and Xie Chi noticed that Zhou Tong was always peeping at the actress walking in front of them.The actress’ name was Zhu Man and she was the one whose hand shook while receiving the dry food.

It was Xie Chi’s turn to lift the coffin. Xie Chi was about to change with Zhou Tong while Xie Xinglan took the initiative to say, “Xiao Chi, I’ll do it for you and then you call me.”

The tone was a bit seductive. Xie Chi thought about it and knew that this person still remembered the missed opportunity to be called Husband. This time, his boyfriend seemed to have learned to act first. He would probably lift the coffin first before making Xie Chi call out to him. 

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Xie Chi smiled and was just about to cooperate when he looked up and was surprised to find that Lu Wen had lifted the corner of the coffin for him.

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