Start from the beginning

I frowned. "Not really."

Her eyes rolled as she threw her robe at me before going into the bathroom. "Asshole."

"I am what I eat, mon chérie." I said with a chuckle before leaving the room. I was serious. I'm hungry man.

Once I reached the lobby-slash-buffet area, I grabbed a plate and started to make my breakfast. They had so many different types of bread that I didn't even know where to start. How many did one person need??

I'm taking one of each.

I sat down at the table in the back and took a sip of my water before starting on my assortment of eggs, waffles, and.. and bread.

"You must like bread." I raised my head and chuckled softly at the girl who walked by. "Brioche, fougasse, ficelle.. wow."

"You know a lot about bread." I said and she smiled softly. "What are you? A baker?"

"Something like that." My eyebrows raised when she pulled a card out of her pocket. "More like pastry chef."

I looked down at the card and nodded slowly, my eyes seeing catching one thing wedding cakes. I know we just got engaged but man, was it too early to start planning?

"Wedding cakes huh?" Catching my tone, she pointed at the chair in front of me and I nodded. "I know nothing about wedding stuff but I'd love to talk with an expert."

Her smile widened. "Recently engaged?" She asked knowingly and I nodded. "Well cakes are a very fun part of the wedding planning process and it's usually done as a pair but I could show you some things?"

"Please." I said with a nod before scooting my chair over to her side and watching her pull a folder out of the bag on her arm. "Do you work here?"

"On occasion, yes. I have my own shop a few blocks over." I hummed and nodded as she flipped the folder over. My eyes flew open when I saw the majestic looking ass cakes. "These are some I did a few weeks ago. You can go three layers, four, it's all on what you like and are willing to spend."

Well we sure did have a lot to fucking spend.

"I love this one.."

After speaking for a while about the cakes and designs, I handed her my phone to get her number since she didn't have her official business card on her.

"Pricilla, great. I'm Y/n." I said as she handed me my phone back and shook my hand.

"It was great talking with you, Y/n." She said with a smile before leaving my table.

I looked down at the screen and saw her contact still up, then suddenly the phone was taken from my hand. "Priscilla hm." My head shot up and I saw Robyn sitting down at the table, eyes on the phone. Oh goodness.. "So," She looked up at me with raised eyebrows. "Who's Priscilla?"

I slowly sat down with my hands up in a 'just listen' manner. "She's a pastry chef," I started and her eyes turned to slits. "And we were talking about wedding cakes because I was curious."

She hummed sarcastically before sliding the phone across to me. "Mhm."

I reached across the table to grab her hand. "I'm serious." She pulled her hand away and I felt my heart drop. Not this again.. "Babe.."

Her squinted eyes relaxed, a sudden giggle leaving her lips. "I'm kidding, I believe you." I exhaled heavily and dropped onto the table with a groan. "Why do you have so much bread?"

"To hopefully suffocate myself with. Why would you do that to my damn heart?" I raised up and saw her dipping the bread into jam before tossing it into her mouth.

Figure It Out [Rihanna/You]Where stories live. Discover now