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A/N: happy new year/2015!!!

so people really want to know how this ends and I was gonna post it the other day, but I forgot where I saved the file I was going to post.

After searching for two hours yesterday, I found it on my iPad YAY


I wrote this before i finished lost somewhere in between

So before I post the FINAL ENDING let me catch you up:

Basically in this book Nikki was going to hang with 5SOS and she was going to have to go through a long struggle choosing between Luke and Niall. (That's where I got bored. Didn't i do that in the last book with Harry?)

So soccer season was supposed to start back up for Nikki and she was going to reunite with some of her friends (Virginia, and a couple of new characters to the book: Sage, for example

So her soccer buddies would meet one direction and hang out with them blah blah blah boring stuff... And then Niall was going to save Nikki once again from some danger that I failed to invent in the plot

So Nikki chose Niall and Harry ends up falling in love with Nikki's cousin Sage, who was going to be mention at the end of the second book as a music producer and star

Then life would go for them up until this moment:

Here it is



"You make me smile you know." I laughed at him.

"Haha, you make me smile." He grinned.

"No, you make me smile." I cooed.

Louis groaned from beside me. "Can you not?"

"Chill Louis." I mumbled and gave him a small punch."You have a problem with it?"

"Yes, I have a problem with it, you're my cousin-sister-child and your practically having a hot make out session with him!!!!" Louis exclaimed.

I smirked.

"You and Niall can have your little argument after the wedding." Harry said from where he was driving.

"Fine." Niall pouted.

"Now no one's smiling." I rolled my eyes. "See what you start Harry?"

Harry gave me a look.

"Guys no fighting." Sage broke my stare. "Liam doesn't want all of you arguing when he's walking down the isle."

"I still can't believe Liam and Maria are getting married." I gave a small smile. "It's so... sweet. I can't wait until I get married."

"You're only 18." Louis reminded me.

"Only 18." I mocked him.

He glared at me.

I stuck out my tongue.

Later we were all standing as bridesmaids and best man people in the church and Liam was waiting for his bride to walk down the isle.

I saw the four Australian boys and I waved to Luke and he waved back.

They all had girlfriends with them, making it a bit odd for me to comprehend them as the four boys I used to love so much.

I smiled at Niall, who was now standing across from me.

Me and Sage squealed, grabbing each other, as Maria finally came into view.

"Oh my god!" Sage was doing something close to fan girling.

"I can't breathe!" I let out a gasp of air as I tried not to burst out laughing.

Niall was chuckling and Harry was trying to hold it in.

"Aye, aye, aye." Louis shook his head. "Liam's gonna kill us."

Eleanor and Perrie stood with us too as Maria's bridesmaids and watched intently as Liam took her hands.

They did their little ceremony thing and finally the preacher said the words we were all dying to hear.

"You may kiss the bride." The preacher smiled.

We all squealed as Liam kissed her.

"Awwww!" Sage and I chorused.

Liam then picked Maria up and ran out of the church.

"Where are you going?" We all chased after him.

"On my honeymoon." He replied as somebody opened a limo door for him.

"No after party?" Niall asked, disappointed.

"Nope!" Liam classically popped the p.

We all gathered around him as he put Maria down.

Maria had her back to us and she grabbed her flowers before throwing them backwards.

The bouquet came flying backwards and slapped me in the face.

I fell backwards and hit the ground, the bunch landing in my hands.

"Nikki!" 15 people gasped at one time.

"Calm yourselves my minions!" I sat up and slowly got to my feet with the help of Niall.

"You caught them!" Sage beamed.

"What?" I blinked blankly.

"You caught the flowers!" Maria squealed.

"Oh no you don't!" Louis snatched my flowers away. "You won't be getting married anytime soon!"

I then realized what just happened.


I looked at Niall and he smiled.

"It's okay Louis." He took my hand. "I can wait."

"No you can't." Harry smirked. "You want to be married to her soooo badly!"

"I waited 6 years to find her." Niall smiled at me and wrapped his arm around my side. "I can wait 2 or 3 more to marry her."

"Oh boy here it goes...." Louis sighed as we both leaned in.

Our lips touched and he gently put his hand behind my head, kissing me passionately.

I pulled back just enough so that our noses were touching.

"I love you." He whispered, his voice half laughing.

"I love you too." I breathed out with a smile. Then I glared at Louis. "Now give me my destined flowers you crazy idiot!"

The rest of that day was perfect.

Nothing could have changed it.

It turns out, Maria and Liam's lucky flowers were right.

Two years later when I was barely 20, he asked me to marry him.

Five years after that we had a baby boy.

Sage and Harry got married shortly after we did.

Perrie and Eleanor are the best sister-in-laws ever and they support me with everything I do. Maria and Sage are always there too and we relive those amazing soccer days we used to have.

But I couldn't get my mind off of that one summer.

From the first time Niall opened the door for me expecting the see the pizza guy, I knew he was special.

So why did it take me so long to realize that?

I guess my feelings where always lost somewhere in between.

But I defiantly know what they truly are now.

My heart beats for Niall Horan.

And it always will.


Found Somewhere Near The End: Sequel to Lost Somewhere In BetweenWhere stories live. Discover now