Chapter 10 Team 5SOS VS Team 1D: The Battle begins

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Nikki's POV

I gave the 5SOS boys an akward smile as they all stared at me in shock. "Haha, why did you guys stop singing?"

"NikkI!" Ashton almost screamed. "You can sing!"

"No, you're ears must be broken." I shook my head. "I can not sing. I sound like a dying wildabeast."

"YOU CAN SING!" Calum exclaimed.

"Fine!" I crossed my arms. "I can sing. But it's not that big of a deal."

"Not that big of a deal?" Luke said in surprise. "I spent countless hours trying to get my voice on pitch and here you come just perefctly on key! It's a talent, Nikki, to be able to do that."

"Oh..." I siad quietly.

"Does 1D know?" Michael asked.

"Harry does." I shrugged. "But they don't have to know."

"Yeah, they do!" Ashton protested. "You're gifted! You can't just waste it!"

"I'm not wasting it." I grumbled.

"You are if you don't do anything with it." Calum said.

Michael pulled out his cell phone.

"What are you doing?" I questioned him.

"Hey, Louis." Michael smirked at me. My eyes widened.


"Did you know your daughter/sister/cousin can sing!" Michael exclaimed.

I faced palmed.

"Oh yes! She's way better than you!"

I gritted my teeth.

"She sounds like a pro! No vocal warm ups or anything either."

"Shut up!" I commanded.

"And her voice is perfectly fine afterwards it's incredible!" Michael smiled into the phone.

"Hang up right now!" I ordered him.

"Sorry dude. I've gotta go before your daughter/sister/cousin kills me! See ya!" He hung up.

"Michael!" I raged.

"He wants to speak with you later." Michael gave me a smrik.

I pouted.

"Awww you made Nikki upset!" Luke said and gave me a hug.

It was warm and nice. He smelled good too.

"Yeah, I'm upset." I frowned. "No one needs to know I can sing."

"Everyone should know!" Ash grinned. "Don't you want to be famous like us?"

"I already am famous!" I protested. "I'm Louis' 16 year old cousin that was kidnapped by three idiots, who's father killed her own brother, and who's mother died from a heart attack!"

Silence spread across the room. They all stared at her with sad looks.

"I don't need any more stress on me right now. I just got my voice back not two hours ago." I sighed.

"I'm sorry." Michael apologized. "I shouldn't have told them if you didn't want me to."

"It's okay. I forgive you." I told him.

"Nikki," Calum blinked. "I'm so sorry. I can't imagine..."

"It's alright." I shrugged like I didn't care. "The past is the past. I just want to have a good future."

"Well if you keep hanging with us, your future will be good!" Ashton promised.

"We'll do anything to make you happy!" Luke gave me a smile.

My cheeks blushed. "Thanks guys. You already make me happy!"

"Awwww." They all said together.

"Group hug!" Calum declared.

We all huddled together.

They boys kind of towered over me, but that was okay.

I felt safe with them.

"Who's up for some ice cream!" Luke suggested.

We all cheered. "Yeah!"

The four boys all ran to their refrigerator that was filled with cartons and cartons of ice cream.

"What falvor Nikki?" Luke asked, his eyes blue and cheerful.

"Cookie dough......" I said, unsure if he had it.

"Here!" Calum grabbed a carton and threw it at me.

I caught it in surprise. "A whole carton?"

"Yep!" Michael nodded. "Just for you!"

"Spoooooooooon!" Ashton hollered as he spiked it at me.

I almost didn't catch it, but did at the last second.

The boys all got there ice cream and we sat down on the couch.

Everyone had their own carton to eat out of.

"This is great!" I said, sticking a large spoonful in my mouth.

I could taste the creamy cookie dough.

"See the 5SOS team is better than the 1D team." Calum blinked.

"Oh I know, I would have chosen this side anyway." I said. "You guys are cooler."

They all cheered.

"And we're going to win that prank war!" I told them.

"I don't know." Ashton shrugged. "It's going to be hard against Louis."

I laughed.

They all started at me in confusion.

"Louis thinks he's the king of pranks." I blinked. "He thinks he is."

"Everyone thinks he is." Michael said slowly.

"Well then they haven't met his cousin/sister/daughter Nikki. The Queen and Master at pranking!" I declared.

All the 5SOS boys smiled.

"We are related after all." I smirked. "And I know just the thing to prank Louis Tomlinson."


A/N: Sorry guys for the short crappy chapter.

I am out of town, so I don't have a lot of time to write.

Plus, it's Easter.

But anyways..... I need some pranking ideas.

So if you've ever pulled a funny prank or anything you think should be in here, message me!

AND the 1st anniversary for Lost Somewhere In Between is coming up!

I'm excited!


And I think I'm going to make a video or something to celebrate. If you have any ideas than let me know!





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