Chapter 3 "It's Not A NO"

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Nikki's POV

I had my eyes closed not even for a minute when i felt arms grab my shoulder and shake me.

"Nikki!" Harry's gruffy voice urged.

I opened my eyes and looked at him confused..

"We've landed." Harry grumbled as he streched.



I just fell asleep.

I leaned over Harry and looked out the window to see New York City around me.


"Didn't believe me?" Harry laughed and I smiled.

Standing up and stretching a little, I stumbled out of my row.

"Careful!" Someone said quickly and grabbed me before I could fall.

I looked up into the blue eyes of Niall and pain filled my heart.

I didn't get the chance to talk to him!


"You might wanna be a little careful, love." Niall kind of chuckled but I could still see hurt in his eyes.

I nodded giving him a smile.

"SO....." Harry said akwardly as I was still in Niall's arms.

I backed up slowly and Niall blushed before walking away.

I sighed, staring after the beautiful blonde boy that had just saved me a terrible headache.

"Earth to Nikki! Nikki! Nikki Tomlinson!!!!!" Harry shouted.

My eyes widened and I looked at Harry in surprise.

Did he just call me.....

Nikki Tomlinson?

"Harry!" Louis scolded as he came to stand behind me.

"Well you are Nikki Tomlinson aren't you?" Harry asked.

"Harry." Liam groaned. "She might not be comfortable with that name yet."

Harry nodded slowly and gave me an apologetic look.

"You don't have be forced to change or do anything you don't want to do, okay?" Louis gripped my shoulders and told me in a protective way.

I shook my head and gave him a smile.

Louis was confused, but then he said. "Nikki Tomlinson?"

I nodded.

Getting rid of my last name would help me forget.

My father.

My brother.

My mother......

Nikki Northington was that girl who was lied to by her parents, tried to ecaspe her father who supposively wanted to kill her, and was kidnapped by three idiot thugs.

I was not that girl anymore.

I was a broken girl.

I was lost.

Not a sound would utter from my mouth ever again.

I would be silent forever.

I was the proud, cocky, charming Nikki Northington anymore.

I was Nikki Tomlinson, the broken road of dreams.



Found Somewhere Near The End: Sequel to Lost Somewhere In BetweenWhere stories live. Discover now