Chapter 11 The winner is....

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Nikki's POV

I snuck out of the One Direction boy's dressing room and quickly walked away from it. They were bound to come back from their sound check any moment.

"Nikki!" I heard and saw Calum scurrying towards me.

"Did you do the thing?" I raised my eyebrows.

"Yea." Calum laughed. "This is going to be great!"

"Where are the others?" I didn't see them anywhere.

"They are already in position!" Calum snickered. "Luke is going to be the best out of all of them!"

"Here they come!" I suddenly whispered as I heard the british accents floating down the hall.

"Don't spoil it by laughing!" I added to him briskly as Liam led the others over to us.

"Hey Nikki and Calum." Payne greeted.

"Hey Liam." I smiled.

"What are you two doing?" Zayn wondered.

"Well we got board and wanted to play monopoly." Calum said.

"Yeah and it's in your dressing room." I pointed at the door. "But the door is jammed! Me and Calum both tried to open it. You have to like run and body slam it."

"I'll open it!" Harry immediatly volunteered and back a few steps away. "Let me show you how it's done."

I almost burst out laughing as he started running forward. Harry dove at the door and it flew forwards, both of them crashing to the ground with a slam. With a nervous jab, I forced the removed door hinges deeper into my back pocket.

"Harry!" I ran forward and bent down by his side.

But his british friends were more concerned about something else.

"It's been ransacked!" Louis screamed and dashed inside with the other Brits.

Calum and I stayed by Harry, who was still lying on the floor.

"Ow, my head hurts." Harry mummbled, his eyes closed.

'Do you see the Monopoly game!?" Calum called.

"Cal, there's nothing in here!" Niall said distressed. "No guitars or drums or..."

I nodded at Calum and he pushed a button on a small romote that was hidden in his pocket.

All of the One Direction boys, minus Harry, were huddled in one particular spot. At the push of a button, a bucket of glue above their heads poured on them. They all shouted in surprsie as they became white blobs.

"Oh my god!" I faked panick.

"Holy..." Calum pretend to widen his eyes.

"Ugh!" Zayn cried. "Get it off! Get it off"

"Here!" I guided him out of the room and to the room across the hall. "Here's the bathroom!"

Zayn opened the door and walked right into that plastic cooking wrap.

I fought so hard not to laugh.

"Niall!" Cal guided him over to a closet. "There's a towel in here!"

Niall opened the door and got a face full of feathers and Ashton and Micheal poured them on him.

"Nikki!" Liam was freaking. "I can't see! Where's that suplly closet with that stuff?"

I turned him to face the door. "In there..."

Calum burst out laughing but it was too late for Liam.

Luke, who had a horse mask on his head, leaped out of the cloet in nothing but his boxers.

Liam flipped! Screaming in shock.

"Very funny!" Louis snapped at me and Calum, wiping glue out of his eyes. "Nice pranking guys."

"You got to admit it was good!" I died laughing.

He gave me a stern look.

"Fine," I sighed and pulled out a bag of oreos. Louis loved the delightful choclate cookies. "I know you'd be pissed. Does this make it better?"

Louis snatched them and took a big bite of one. "I'm still mad at you though. I hope you know. Cookies or not."

"Well at least your breath smells better now." I grinned from ear to ear.

Louis stopped mid chew and looked down at the oreo. "Is.. is that toothpaste I'm eating??"

I shrugged with a smirk.

"Fine!" Louis cried out. "You win you win the prank wars!"

"That's what we wanted to hear!" Ashton cheered and came over to us.

"What do we have to do." Louis sighed crossing his sticky arms.

"Wait, what happened?" Harry sat up, holding his head.

I grinned. "Louis, I have soemthing very lovely that I want you to say to the fans during your next concert..."




It will get better. I promise.

I suck at pranking so this was hard for me to write.

But the next update definatly will be longer.

I promise.

But I think this was a good way to start out, huh?

SO enjoy, comment and message me if youd like!

Thanks for keeping up with me after all this time!

I really want all my fans back!

Espeically the ones from the start!


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