𝙲𝚑𝚊𝚙𝚝𝚎𝚛 𝚝𝚑𝚛𝚎𝚎

Start from the beginning

Time Skip :3

After a while of waiting, someone finally drops down from the ceiling. That someone, being Tonpa. "Tonpa.." Gon says curiosity lacing his words. "What..?" Killua says in an annoyed tone. "An old man showed up." Leorio says seemingly annoyed as well. "Oh hey, nice to see you again, Tonpa," I coo, while he stares at me, I give him a creepy smirk, just to shake him up a bit. He walks over to the table, picks up his bracelet and snaps it on. "Okay." He says casually, and then the door opens to reveal a question.

To open the door, press O. If not, press X.

All of us, except Tonpa, pressed O. "Hey, who pressed X?" Leorio asked a bit agitated. "Well, it wasn't me," I stated, a bit bored. "Ah.. my bad. I accidentally pressed it," Tonpa said apologetically, scratching the back of his head. "Stop kidding around! Are you blind or something?" Leorio asked with an angry tone. I sighed, knowing this was going to be a long while with these two.

Time Skip 🌸🦋🌸

Going on for a while, choosing O and X for different questions, we finally make it to an opening. There's a large platform in the center and a seemingly endless pit of darkness surrounding it. "Look over there." Killua says, as we all look to the other end, where a platform like ours with people in cloaks on it, was opposite to us, behind the large center platform. "The applicants are here, please remove my handcuffs." As per one of the people in a cloak's request, their hand cuffs broke and fell to the ground with a loud thump. The person took off their cloak and stepped foward. They were tan, muscular, and bald with scars on their head. Lippo started speaking again through the speakers, and then the big guy, but I wasn't paying attention. The only thing I did hear though, was something about one-on-one battles, basically no rules in those battles err.. fights, no draws, and needing four wins to pass, which all in all, were the only things I needed to hear. I looked over the group which I was in, and concluded they should be able to handle this on their own. "Mm.. you guys could probably handle this on your own. If you need me, wake me up. I'll be sleeping in the hall." I casually state, before walking over to the hall, sliding down, and sitting. "You can't just do that-" Leorio starts before I give him a glare. "I do what I want. And as I said, if you need me, wake me up." I sternly said before curling up, and drifting off to sleep.

I wake up to my arm being poked. I groan, as I groggily open my eyes. Once I open them, I see a pair of mesmerizing royal blue eyes staring right at me. "Oh.. hey Killua. Need something?" I say sleepily, as I rub my eyes. "Yeah. We need one more win." He says. After hearing this, my eyes snapped open. "You guys had five people, and couldn't get four wins?" I asked slightly annoyed at my earlier assumption that they could handle it. He nodded. "Well then," I say while standing up. "What needs to be done?" I ask, while staring at Killua. "There's one last person we need to beat before we can win, we already have three wins, we just need one more." He reply's casually as if the tension we always have had never happened. I nod, and walk to the center platform along a bridge that I assumed came to be once they all started fighting or doing whatever it was here. A person in a cloak walked on the bridge, opposite to me and the center platform just like I was. I make it to the center, and the person removes their cloak. The guy was fair skinned, tall, and very, very, muscular. I started snickering and the guy shot me a death glare. "What's so funny?" He said with the deep voice he had, but anger coating his words. "Oh nothing, you just look so weird, as if you're on steroids~ Not even big brother has so many muscles and he could still easily beat you~" I start cracking up while tears start appearing on the corners of my eyes from all the laughing. Everyone stared at me in shock. "Take that back!" He said furious at this point, as I just giggled and wiped away the little tears. "You know what, let's have a death match! I'll wipe that smile right off your face." He sternly said with a smirk. "Well then, let's dance." I said with a creepy smile. He charged straight at me, so him being taller than me, I jumped over him, and landed on his back, since he had fallen over from stopping too quickly trying to get me. "Uh oh, this may be the end for you~" I sang cheerily, as I lifted my right foot and..

⚠️Warning, some may find this next bit unsettling⚠️


I had broken his spine. He screamed with pain and agony, as I just giggled. "What was that about wiping the grin off my face?" I said, while crouching and leaning into his ear. "And.. I'm sure you've heard of.. Hisoka Morow, am I right? Hm..?" I whispered with a grin. "You mean.. that guy that almost killed me a few years ago..?" He said in an angry tone. "Ahah.. yes! I'm his little sister, and I guess I'll finish you off just for him~" I say as I start laughing, standing up, and then stepping on his skull. "Any last words?" I say with a straight face. "I.." he starts. "Well, too bad~!" I cheerily say, before creepily grinning wide, and stomping on his head, crushing his skull in the process. Blood splatters everywhere, as I shake some blood off my yellow sneakers, and walk back toward our team's platform.

You can go back to reading the chapter, here

Once I make it back to the platform, Leorio steps back, I'm assuming because he's afraid of me. I softly smile at him, "Hey, I'm not gonna kill you, so don't be scared.." I say with a pout. "Well then, now that I've won the last win for you all to pass, let's leave." I say with a grin. "Actually, we lost fifty hours due to Leorio." Killua says, slightly annoyed. My happy expression quickly turns into an agitated one. "And.. how did this happen?"

I nearly attempted to murder Leorio because of the reason behind why we lost fifty hours.

End of Chapter 3
Annnnd the 3rd chapter's done! I kinda like where this is going.. since I have a great idea as to what to write in the next chapter.. teehee~
Love you all!~ 💕💕💗

- Lxvely ('ε` )♡

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