Chapter 23

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The first fights already went the only one that lost was Sato and Kirishima's team.

It was the turn of Sora, Mina, and Kaminari's team.


"Uraraka won. Not surprising," Iida said, "I'm happy for her."

"Yeah, and both of you passed, too! Congrats!" Deku said.


"Thank you for you enthusiasm," Iida said.

"Now that this match is over which team is taking the field next?"

"Ashido, Kaminari and Sora are teamed up for the next battle," Momo said, "They're going to have to fight against Principal Nezu."

"The principal of our school," Deku said, "It's rare we get to see someone like him in action."

"We'll have to watch this round carefully," Iida said.


"Team Ashido, Kaminari and Martinez. Practical Exam. Ready, go!"

"Okay, so, we just run to the entrance, right?" Mina asked.

"Yeah, that would be our smartest choice," Sora said.

"Even if he does finds us, he's tiny," Kaminari said, "I can take care of him with my electricity."

"Kaminari," Sora warned, "Never underestimate your opponnent. There is a reason why he's the principal and besides he is super smart."

Suddendly banging was being heard.

"Hey, what's that noise?" Mina asked. 

"It couldn't be the principal, could it?"

"Most likely," Sora said.

More banging could be heard and things stared to fall apart. Kaminari looked up and got scared.

"Watch out!"

The three of them started to run.

"Kaminari. Sora. What the crap is going on?"

"It's principal Nezu," Sora said, "He doesn't want us to escape."

"Why, yes, I am," Principal Nezu said from on top a crane where Sora saw him. 

"I'm going after the principal," Sora said, "You run to the exit and get 'help'. Pass me the handcuffs." Mina threw Sora the handcuffs, he caught them, turned into his slime form and took of running to the principal.

- Watching room -

"The principal looks so comfortable in that crane," Iida said.

"Yeah, but," Deku said, "how is he causing all this?"

"I don't know, he's too far away," Tsu said

"He must have predicted their moves," Momo said.


"Yes," Momo said, "I bet he planned his attacks throught sophisticated calculations."

"Then what is Sora thinking going after him?"

"Sora is very unpredictable," Tsu said, "So we could never know."

- back at the field -

"I can cause chain reactions depending on what I destroyed," Nezu said, "Such calculations are as easy for me to make as a simple cup of tea." 

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