E1. Insatiable

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E1: Insatiable

Mornings in the new house were quiet, cool with autumn breezes sneaking through their open windows. Madeline pulled on a pair of socks, tiptoeing over the creaky spots in the old wood floors as to not wake her sleeping Seb. Their coffee maker was ancient. Maggie had nearly shoved four boxes of barely used pots and pans at her the day she'd moved out, along with a handful of old appliances that she claimed she wouldn't use anyway. With a few buttons and a gentle shake and tap, the brew started with a hiss of hot water and the smell of fresh grounds.

"I like you in my clothes," Sebastian whispered directly into her ear. She jumped a foot, eyes rolling while a tickled laugh echoed through the quiet kitchen. He wrapped his arms around her middle. He smelled good. He always smelled so good.

"You scared me," she whispered.

"You scare easy," he countered. "Why did you sneak out of bed?"

"I didn't sneak," she yawned. She begged the coffee to make faster. She was awake enough to not fall back asleep easily but her energy was low and she felt the familiar addict tingle at the sheer smell of caffeine. The machine made a terrible gurgling noise before shutting off all together. Madeline groaned, moving away from Sebastian's grabby fingers to smack the side of the broken machine.

"Oh no!" She whined.

"You have a problem," Sebastian smirked.

"Obviously," Madeline groaned. "You knew about my coffee addiction before you joined with me, Sebastian. I don't need a lecture. I need my coffee."

She looked up at him expectantly and he kissed her. It happened like that more often than not. She could never tell what would trigger that reaction. It seemed to occur at random moments throughout their days. His fingers wrapped around the back of her neck, his body pressed firmly against her own. She allowed herself to melt into the moment. Every time they were close it was different and she enjoyed the not knowing of it all. He lifted her suddenly, earning a shocked gasp that he muted with his eager mouth.

"I really like you in my clothes, Madsy," he told her again. She hummed in agreement not wanting to break their kiss. She was thankful for her lack of pants. She enjoyed the smooth skin of his ribs as they slid across her inner thighs. He smiled against her lips, basking in how eager she was under his skillful touch.

The house had really come together quickly. Madeline had spent her time off before school making a home for them. She had cleaned and rearranged the little bit of furniture they'd thrifted or been given at least four times before she was happy with the feel of it. Without warning, Sebastian lifted his girl off the counter and carried her into the living room. He lowered them on their sofa, situating their position where Madsy fit comfortably across his lap.

"Cheeky," she laughed. "But I haven't forgotten about my coffee, sir."

"I know," Seb kissed her again and again. He pulled her hips forward causing a delicious sort of friction that did erase any lingering caffeine obsessed thoughts from her mind. Madeline had grown increasingly comfortable with her half naked match, enjoying the smooth lines that made up his torso, even allowing her hands to travel dangerously low for no reason at all.

"Do you want to go to the store now or later?" She asked him quite suddenly. He looked dazed for a bit, his shiny lavender eyes clearing slowly at her question. "For the new coffee maker?"

"Seriously?" Sebastian laughed, tugging teasingly at the loose bit of hair that had fallen from her messy bun.

"I told you I need my coffee," she shrugged. "Even you can't distract me from this."

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