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Sunrise in Avlis was what you would expect of a world made of magic. Their sun pushed its rays through the sheer curtains, the warmth landing across Madeline's eyes. She woke softly slowly becoming aware of where she was. Sebastian's heavy arm draped across her torso. She smirked down at his face which lay squished against her ribcage.

"Good morning," Seb spoke into her skin. She squirmed at his hot breath tickling her side. "Oh, I love it when you wiggle." Seb smiled.

"You've been awake less than five seconds and already with the comments. You are such a pervert." Madeline tried to hide the smile but it was obvious. Sebastian shrugged, snuggling against her body.

"So what exactly is that nectar stuff?" She had almost avoided the topic altogether. She was slightly embarrassed about her behavior the night before. Sebastian hadn't rejected her but she had thrown herself at him rather forcefully and it was out of character. Sebastian smiled, looking up at her with amused lavender eyes.

"It's an aphrodisiac. Obviously," he explained. "It's not as potent for us as it was for you."

"I would hope not," Madeline studied her fingernails thoroughly. Her face was pink, her tongue felt huge in her mouth. "I felt like...."

"How did you feel?" Sebastian bit his lip, beautiful white teeth pressing into a perfect pink pout. Madeline held in a wanton sigh. It was only getting worse. The pull she felt for him was intense, more intense with every kiss.

"Oh come on and tell me," Seb sat up enough to look down at her. "Think of it as an early birthday gift."

"When is your birthday?" Madeline chirped. She was still fiddling with her own fingernails, a nervous habit she'd picked up a few years prior.

"Changing the subject, Madsy?"

Madeline paused, looking over for the first time that morning. Sebastian was teasing her, his chin then propped flirtatiously atop her shoulder.

"I felt a lot of things," she answered vaguely.

"Did you get the bubbles?" Sebastian let his hand slide down her opposite hip, resting softly against her thigh. When Madeline explained she didn't know what the bubbles were, Sebastian continued. "They are those tickly feelings you get at the back of your head, that spread down your body."

"Yeah I got those," Madeline nodded.

"Then you felt the heat," Sebastian pressed a quick kiss against her bra strap. She tried her best to ignore him and the blush that spilled down her face. "The heat is my favorite part. Then you get a whiff of someone that smells just right. They look good. They sound good. They feel really really good."

Madeline watched his lips as he spoke, her eyes sliding across that soft mouth.

"That's how you feel too?" She asked him, her voice soft and dreamy.

"If I drink enough I can get that feeling. Doesn't last very long though." Sebastian explained. "Nectar is a temporary thing done for fun at parties and whatnot."

Madeline understood. She pulled her eyes away from him, swallowing the lust he brought about by mere mention of some aphrodisiac beverage.

"So you must've had it in Tres Manor?"

"Yeah," Sebastian was moving away. He rested on his back, his eyes surveying the ever-changing ceiling. "They had all sorts of mood-altering drinks there. You usually had to pay a pretty penny for them but there were ways to momentarily forget your problems."

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