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When Madeline woke the rain had stopped and Sebastian was gone.

She thought about waiting around for him. Even in the short amount of time he'd been back, she realized he had a talent for showing up just in the nick of time, usually when she was half-dressed. She pulled on a hoodie and ventured down to the kitchen where Ethan stuffed his mouth with French toast and Maggie argued with someone over the telephone.

"What's your mom mad about?" Madeline had poured herself a large cup of over-sweetened coffee and plopped down by her young cousin.

"I don't know," he shrugged. "She was using words I'm not supposed to say."

Madeline grinned, taking a careful sip of her piping hot beverage. With one more hissed profanity Maggie slammed the cordless phone down on the counter and steadied herself before joining her family at the table. Madeline could tell by the stress lines decorating her aunt's forehead that she should leave it be and decided against asking more questions. Instead, she offered her a sympathetic smile.

"You look so good," Maggie had calmed herself remarkably fast and used her energy for complimenting her niece. She ran her hand through her sons' curls before sitting in front of her abandoned coffee cup.

"I feel okay," Madeline nodded. She did. She wondered where her Sebastian was but that was a question no one would have the answers to except the boy himself. She took a few gulps of caffeine and waited for the day to start.

"Could you do me a favor and watch Ethan for a few hours? I have something I have to take care of. I'll be back before your appointment with Hershel." Maggie was glancing at the clock on the wall. Madeline quickly agreed. Ethan was the easiest kid in the world to babysit. After that, Maggie ran upstairs to get dressed leaving the cousins alone.

"Where's Sebastian?" Ethan asked. His big brown eyes seemed extra-large under his corrective lenses.

"I'm not sure," Madeline shrugged. "He was gone when I woke up."

Ethan nodded, pensive and took another syrupy bite of breakfast. Madeline noticed his mismatched pajamas and her heart sank. She had been so caught up in her shenanigans with Sebastian she'd totally forgot to check on him during the last few nights.

"I haven't had nightmares in a while," Madeline quipped. "Have you been sleeping good, dude?"

Ethan shook his head, refusing to meet her eyes with his own.

"You know you can always come wake me up?" She nudged him playfully with her shoulder.

"I know," he whispered.

"I know you know," she grinned. "You're a smart dude. The coolest smartest little dude."

Ethan smiled, his mouth stretching across his freckled face.

The next few hours were spent watching some ridiculous show with a catchy theme song. After too many episodes Madeline watched on quietly while Ethan showed off his newest comic book. Even though he wasn't quite reading yet, the pictures were exciting enough for the young boy. Madeline glanced at the clock. Sebastian had been gone for hours, at least five hours to be exact. She wondered if he was gone for good. She hated to admit the strange ache the thought left in her chest.

Maggie came home an hour before Madeline's appointment with Hershel. The young woman dressed comfortably for her visit. She half expected her new old pal to pop up when she was half-dressed but he never showed. She tried to hide her disappointment, even from herself. She didn't want to admit that maybe Sebastian had found his way home. If that was the case, she would try to convince herself that she was happy for him. In some ways she probably really was.

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