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Madeline woke with a start, eyes snapping open, jaw clenched. Something was wrong. She was shaking in her hands, her eyes wide open and searching the dark. Sebastian was still asleep behind her, his arm a loose binding against her middle. Normally his closeness made her feel safe but something was wearing on her that no amount of cuddling could relax. She sat up, her ears straining against the quiet to pick up any unusual noises. Nothing. Maybe she had a nightmare and woke up terrified. It had happened before. She thought to lay back down but changed her mind, her heart still hammering in her chest. She carefully removed herself from Sebastian's hold. She would get a glass of water. She needed to see light. It would help.

Walking down the stairs so late at night gave her familiar melancholy vibes. She had done that so many nights after she'd moved in with Maggie all those years ago. She'd repeated the process after Nolan left. She could watch some television to pass the time, just like before. She stepped in the kitchen, filling up her glass from the tap and taking several large gulps. She took that time to glance out the kitchen window. The backyard was still, silent. She wondered if the police officers had actually driven by like they said they would. She felt almost silly calling them before. They were kind enough but she had known there was very little they could do with the evidence on her phone. The texts were threatening, sure but all they could do was warn her to be safe and call if necessary. She had calmed down remarkably after they'd left. They didn't seem too worried so she shouldn't be either, right. She had convinced herself everything was fine and then she fell asleep only to wake up in a panic. Typical Madeline, she thought sadly.

She wasn't going back to sleep. Her extremities were buzzing from whatever had woken her. So she padded silently into the living room to watch TV. She didn't bother turning any lights on, just clicked a few buttons on the remote and watched as it powered on. She shivered a bit as a breeze filtered in through the open window.

The open window.

She turned her face to the source of the wind. Her throat went dry, her body ached with panic-induced thrumming. She couldn't hear anything but the sound of her own painful heartbeat pulsing violently inside her ears.

The window that she definitely hadn't left open was ajar, the wind pushing through in a steady gust.

"Finally figured it out," his voice was smooth and derisive. Blake appeared from the shadows like some slimy comic book character. Madeline went to get up, to run but Blake stepped in front of her, forcing her to sit back down on the sofa with a push of her shoulders. The television beat blue light across the room. She wanted to call for Sebastian but that wouldn't do anything. He couldn't help her. He had told her as much just hours before.

"Do you know how rude it is not to respond to someone?" Blake asked her. She wasn't sure if he really wanted an answer or just to hear himself talk so she stayed silent, hands shaking against her lap. He dropped down on the sofa next to her, studying her frightened expression curiously. He reminded her of a snake, his head dropping to its side almost condescendingly.

"Oh so now you're not even going to respond to me when I'm sitting right in front of you?" He sighed dramatically. Madeline could smell the alcohol on his breath. She wondered if that was what pushed him over the edge. He said as much the last time. "So fucking rude."

"I'm sorry," she croaked out. Her voice was quiet, meek. She wasn't sure what she was supposed to do in that situation. She could cry, the desperation filling up her insides, drowning her like quicksand.

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