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Madeline's sat in the office of Dr. Hershel. The older woman was talking. Madeline wasn't listening. Her eyes were glazed, unfocused. She was lost in thought, in memories. She had spent the morning with Sebastian, his soft flirtatious words tickling that soft spot behind her ear. She had giggled like a child, embarrassed and infatuated with the way his mouth curled around her beloved nickname. She was so ridiculously in love with that stupid wonderful boy. She stopped remembering their morning pillow-talk when she heard the clearing of Dr. Hershel's throat. She had been caught.

"I'm sorry," Madeline offered an embarrassed smile. "I'm being rude. I'm sorry."

"It's fine. I did notice a small smile when you were staring into space. Good thoughts?"

Madeline blushed, nodding her head in response.

"So what's new? What's going on with you lately? I'd love to hear good things." Dr. Hershel was sincere. She had known Madeline longer than most people and she knew it all. She had met Madeline at the literal worst part of her young life.

"Well you know I've been seeing someone?" Hershel shook her head. Madeline had told Maggie not her. She had mentioned her new friends but Sebastian hadn't even been a blip. "Well, I've been seeing someone." She shrugged it off, studying the chipped polish left on her thumbnail.

"Who is this someone?"

"He's from out of town, well he's from out of the country more like..." Madeline muttered. She wasn't the best at making up lies on the spot. "His name is Seth and he's from Amsterdam." The story was getting too detailed. She couldn't even remember what name she had given Maggie those days ago.

"How did you meet him? Did he graduate with you?" Hershel was smiling, glasses pushed back against her hair. Madeline shook her head.

"No, he just kinda turned up," Madeline explained. "He's awesome. He's so handsome and so sweet and I really like him a lot." Madeline felt the smile before she could even try to stop it. "I love him maybe a little bit."

Hershel's eyebrows went up in surprise. She hadn't expected her to say that. Madeline sighed, shrugging her shoulders.

"I know it seems sudden but I feel like I've known him forever and he's so considerate of me. His mom is sweet and his friends seem to like me. I haven't felt this content ...maybe ever."

Hershel smiled. Madeline returned it. She was happy. It had been so long since she could actually say that.

"There are issues of course. I'm worried about when he has to go back home. There's no talk of it yet but I know it's a major possibility and I'm not really able to live in Av-Amsterdam." She was babbling, going over a thousand thoughts that she kept so quiet when Sebastian was around.

"Sounds like you're thinking things through. That's good. Love can make some of us blind."

"I'm the best at thinking things through right?" Madeline grinned bashfully. "Pro really."

"So what sort of things do you do with Seth?" Hershel had stopped scribbling. The session seemed more like a family reunion. Madeline warded off the blush that came with thoughts of her new love for an old friend. She tried to ignore the soft warm feeling that engulfed her face, spreading down her neck to rest across her shoulders.

"We go out to eat. He brought me to meet his mom. We went to his cousin's birthday party. Swimming, walks... lots of walks." Madeline finished. "Normal stuff I guess." Everything was far from normal. She would leave out the specifics for her own sake. She didn't want a thousand questions following.

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