Chapter 14: Date night

Start from the beginning

"It was okay, I guess," I replied feeling uncomfortable. They were sitting on the sofa next to each other, they were so close I felt like I had just disturbed a really intimate moment.

"So I'm gonna be upstairs," I replied quickly running up the stairs. Then I realised I probably should have said 'hi' to Wesley.

I went to my room and looked out of the window, I saw Leo speaking to Connor, I hope they were not talking about me again. I could just about make out there figures, so there was no way I would be able to hear them. What if I went out with Connor and then he told Leo all about us? Oh well, I wasn't going to fret over that.

I decided I should probably take out the clothes I was gonna wear, even though I didn't really want to go on this date IO decided I might as well. What was the worst that could happen? I know I trusted people way too much, it was one quality of mine that I wish I could change. I always saw the best in people and it always got me in trouble, but I decided that maybe Connor actually liked me and if he screwed me over i would get my payback somehow.

I looked through my brown wardrobe and took out a white top, he said to dress casual, the top had a picture of the ocean and the sun with the words 'Never stop dreaming' on it. I also got out a pair of grey skinny jeans and laid them out on my bed, I also decided that it was too hot outside as it was the middle of the day so I should pick out my jewelery too. I picked a silver key necklace and a stack of green bracelets.

I didn't know what to do after that so I started walking around in my room while thinking of what to do. Serena walked into the room with the biggest grin on her face. When she saw my clothes laid out she started grinning even wider.

"Don't even," I said before she commented on it.

"Okay, okay but I swear he really does like you Ali or I wouldn't have made you go out with him," She said trying to ease my mind.

"Yeah, I know," I replied back simply.

"So, where are you guys going," She said sitting down on my bed.

"I don't know he didn't tell me," I said "But he told me to dress casual," I said quickly before she asked me why I was dressing so casually.

"Oh, okay cool, and you might actually really enjoy yourself," She said seriously.

"Yeah, maybe."


At exactly seven o'clock Connor came to pick me up.

"Hey," I greeted him.

"Hey, you look cute," He said, I had a feeling he was used to telling girls they looked hot but since I was wearing a top and jeans it would be so noticeable that he was lying.

"Thanks, you look cute too," I joked, he just glared at me. I was starting to realise that I should stop joking about peoples look, especially guys who were self obsessed, I really did offend them.

I laughed nervously. "So, Where are we going?" I asked.

"You'll see, I don't want you to chicken out," He replied smirking at me. This made me a little more than nervous.

"Oh no," I whispered to myself, but I'm pretty sure he heard me. He got into his car, as I followed. Once we were both in the car, I just sat there for a few seconds feeling slightly uneasy. If we had nothing to talk about then this date was going to be just a little uncomfortable.

"So do you like music?" I asked starting off the conversation, then  I realised that he might turn the radio on, and as much as I would love that I actually wanted to talk with him.

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