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Even in the dark we make choices
To light a candle or flick a switch
To roam, stay put or jump-scare
It's right or wrong, but just now

It may have been the right thing then
The next moment may lead to regret
An underdog always wants the top
Yet too fast could hurt some things

There's also going and doing
The not so black or white
Being a rule breaker - law defying
Forging a new path

Not that that makes a good story
But you'd be humble
Have a close bond with everyone
You'd be an inspiration for the climb

All that capital E - Effort isn't in vain
We made a choice - we helped others
We never needed to go to the end
Maybe there was light at the end

You just broke through the walls
Warriors that build their own ways
Needn't rely on anything
Yourselves being a true family of 5

The route long and twisted
Not many on your bandwagon
But they're for thick and thin
Forever your cohort

You're still on the same path
Something normal for another
Impressive to your hearts
But persevere
You are going there and possibly higher and with all of us too. Be it even in the deserts, striking water out of a cactus. We will persevere too.
You are not underrated, they just don't understand. Wear your crown boldly because we see kings, even in the underrated and the savage!
You here the calling but it's a slow dive.
We'll take you higher, remember you're a star!

I was falling deeper into A.C.E.
They're truly an adventure calling emotions

So this was from my Choice moment for their anniversary.

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