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[Chapter warning: major sexual themes and actions, proceed with caution or skip entirely. Skipping this chapter will not impact the story for those who choose to not read it.]

San found himself suddenly awake, his hands slightly numbed from the cool air.

He blinked, taking in the view of the dark night sky and its stars scattered above him.

San almost groaned at the realization that he'd fallen asleep outside. He had no idea what time it was, and thus he began to reach down and feel around for his phone.

San almost jumped at the feeling of his hand brushing against fabric. He quickly turned to the side, startled, only to be met with the figure of a reclining dark haired boy, looking at him.

"You're awake," Wooyoung said from his chair, which he had pushed next to San's earlier.

"Wooyoung?" he questioned, somewhat confused by the other boy's presence. "You okay? Why aren't you inside..." San trailed off.

Wooyoung reached over, absentmindedly playing with the fabric of San's shirt.
"Missed you," he muttered, a small smile gracing his lips.

San found a grin rising to his face as he watched the shorter boy sit up, adjusting the blanket he had draped over him.

"What time is it?" San asked, reaching up to lightly brush his boyfriend's hair out of his face.

"It's almost 5am," Wooyoung said, shifting as to lay just a bit closer to the other. "I woke up like 30 minutes ago and came out here to find you."

A comfortable quiet fell over the two, who held each other's gaze for a moment.

"The stars are still out. You wanna go lay down and pretend we know about constellations?" Wooyoung murmured, trailing a finger down San's arm.

San nodded as he sat up and stretched. Wooyoung followed suit, and began gathering the soft blanket which he had carried outside.

"Hey, we should go over there where it's darker," Wooyoung suggested, gesturing towards a far corner of Mingi's backyard.

The two practically ran over, and only began to slow upon reaching the wooden fence.

"I got a great idea," San said, backing up just a bit. Wooyoung stared at him questioningly.

Before he knew it, San had taken a running start, lifting himself up and over the fence within a matter of seconds.

"What the fuck..." Wooyoung said from the other side, only getting a laugh from San in return.

"Hurry up and come over, I'm waiting," he taunted playfully.

Next thing he knew, a wadded up blanket came flying at him from over the fence, followed by Wooyoung swinging himself over.

San caught the blanket despite having been startled. "I can't climb with that," Wooyoung said as his feet hit the ground, "you asked for it."

San only shook his head, scanning around the area for a good spot. He located a clear spot of grass nearby, and quickly made his way over to it.

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