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Wooyoung held his breath, taking a step into the noisy, packed lunchroom.

This definitely wasn't his preferred environment, yet for San, he wanted to brave the crowd for once and leave his normal corner.

The thought of how San had greeted him that morning stuck in his head as he looked around, the boy having come up behind him and put an arm around his shoulder, greeting him brightly.

The sight of a handsome blonde excitedly waving from a nearby table caught Wooyoung's attention. Wooyoung found an embarrassed smile work its way onto his face as he began walking towards the group.

He quickly reached the table, noting the presence of two other boys sitting across from San.

Wooyoung gave a small wave to the other two as San patted the seat next to him eagerly.

"Hi," Wooyoung said quietly, momentarily distracted from San as he sat down due to the fact Mingi was now staring at him, a knowing smirk on his face.

"So uh as you probably know this is Mingi and Yunho," San reiterated, pointing at each individual as their name was spoken. Both gave small greetings.

"Ahh San, when are you gonna pay me back for the ice cream," Yunho complained, in a joking manner.
Yunho reached across the table and put his hands on San's shoulders, as if begging.

San shook him off. "Listen you're the one who wanted to go at 6 fucking AM... oh shiT" San blurted as his movements knocked a small bottle of tea over, spilling a growing puddle onto the table.

"Hey!! My tea," Mingi whined, Yunho quickly moving his stuff away from the spill.

"I'll get napkins, fuckk," San immediately stood up, dashing off to god knows where.

"He's so dramatic," Mingi whined, wiping a fake tear from his cheek.

Wooyoung merely stayed quiet, a content smile on his face.

"One day he'll let us touch him. One day," Yunho shook his fist, the sentence grabbing the younger boy's attention.

"Does he not... let you?" Wooyoung replied, a highly confused tone lacing his words.

His tone didn't go unheard by Mingi and Yunho, both instantly focusing their gaze on Wooyoung.

"He lets you???" Yunho questioned, the boy giving a wary nod in return.

"He normally hates when we do it. He says we're gross," Yunho explained, slightly sticking his tongue out to emphasize the last sentence. Wooyoung almost laughed.

"Are we talking about the same San? He's so..."

He came to an abrupt stop as their current topic came walking back to the table, a fat wad of napkins in hand which he promptly shoved onto the spill.

"You guys good...? Why did you get quiet??" San inquired as he noticed their sudden silence, oblivious as to the reason. All shook their heads, signaling it was nothing.

San sat down again after sufficiently cleaning up the table.

"Mingi..." San muttered after a moment, sending a glare to the boy across the table.

Mingi gained a guilty smile on his face, making eye contact with Yunho.
"Tried to squeeze his thigh," he whispered across the table to Wooyoung, not really caring if San could hear.

This got Wooyoung thinking. He seemed to despise his friends touching him, and yet Wooyoung had thought San to be a very touchy person from their interactions.

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