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Wooyoung sipped a warm mug of hot cocoa cradled in his hands. He swung his feet solemnly as he sat on the high barstool of his kitchen counter.

In the seat next to him was Mrs. Jung, who was nursing a mug of cocoa identical to Wooyoung's. The room was rather quiet, as neither knew what to talk about after the previous events.

Both found themselves unable to go to bed, and thus ended up simply sitting together and chatting every so often.

Wooyoung nearly choked on his current sip as a harsh knock came at the door. He immediately glanced at the clock.

3:00 in the morning.

"Now who could that be?" the mother pondered, leaning over to glance at the door. Wooyoung thought for a second, feeling something amiss.

"Did you ever tell San that you're alright?" the mother questioned, causing Wooyoung to break out into a sheepish smile.

"Um, I forgot to..." he admitted, with his mother shaking her head in amusement.

"Go get 'em," the mom smirked, gesturing for her son to hurry off.

Wooyoung hopped off of his chair and scurried over to the door, not wanting to waste any time. He fumbled to unlock and open the door quickly, before swinging it open.

"You actually showed up," Wooyoung spoke upon being greeted with the sight of his boyfriend, hand still reaching up for the doorbell.

"Wooyoung!" San said excitedly, grabbing the shorter's face with his hands. He absolutely attacked the boy with cheek kisses, to which Wooyoung mildly protested.

"Ew, gross, cooties," Wooyoung joked, lightly batting San away as he pulled the boy inside.

"Mom," Wooyoung called out as he strode down the hallway, taking San by the hand. "You were right, San's here."

The mom gained a knowing grin on her face as she saw the couple walk into the kitchen, hand in hand.

"You want something to drink, honey?" the woman said as she made eye contact with San. The boy timidly shook his head, a bit startled from her strangely nice attitude towards him.

"It's getting pretty late, uh... I might go up to my room—" Wooyoung began, yet stopped as his mother held a hand up.

"I get it. I need to go back to bed anyway," the tall woman said, finishing the last of her drink in one go. She yawned softly as she stood up. "Night Wooyoung, San," she finished as she walked nonchalantly out of the room.

As soon as the mother was completely out of sight, Wooyoung and San shared a glance that said both were holding their words back.

"You better explain to me what the hell went down, Jung Wooyoung," San pointed at the boy, who stiffened upon being singled out.

"I will, I will. I need to lie down first though, fuck," he exhaled, lazily leading San over towards the living room.

Wooyoung plopped himself face first onto the couch, before blindly feeling around for the TV remote. Upon locating it, he shut the device off, engulfing the room in darkness.

"You gonna sleep here?" San teased, eliciting only a muffled whine from Wooyoung.

San shook his head at the younger's antics as he perched himself on the arm of the couch.

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