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San stared down at his physics textbook, the words becoming a jumble on the page that couldn't be read no matter how hard he tried.

The previous day he had fallen asleep on the couch with Wooyoung, woken up around 4am, and hadn't been able to go back to sleep afterwards. Therefore the boy found himself a bit drowsy, at the moment, although he was kept slightly awake by looking across the classroom at a certain dark haired boy, who occasionally would wave, do a hand sign, or something else of the sort.

Physics class, to San, simply had become a way to see Wooyoung. Yet now, things has quite obviously changed between them, and San found physics to merely be an annoyance. If he had been seated next to the younger it would have improved the class twentyfold.

In the dull silence of the room, the only sound heard was the scratching of pens and pencils against paper. San had no idea what everyone else was even writing; if that didn't show how much he kept up with the class, then nothing did.

The buzz of the intercom suddenly rang, the one normally used for announcements and dismissals.

"Jung Wooyoung, could you please report to the office?" the monotone voice said.

San immediately glanced up, seeing the other boy do the same. It wasn't a strange thing for students to be called down to the office; this none of the others in class paid much mind to this.

The physics teacher gave him a look and pointed for him to go. Wooyoung quickly stood up and walked over to the door, sharing a confused glance with San as he exited.
The door softly shut, and thus class returned to normal.

San didn't know why something in the air suddenly felt wrong. He tried his best to distract himself by doodling on a sheet of paper.

About fifteen minutes went by before the sound of the intercom went off again.

"Would Choi San report to the office as well?"

San instantly felt alarmed. The teacher made eye contact with the boy, her expression unreadable. She now gestured for San to leave as well. Thus San stood up, making his way over to the door.

The walk over to the office felt, to San, more like a death march. Going to the office in and of itself didn't scare him; the convenient calling of him and Wooyoung at the same time did. A million possibilities as to what the reason could be ran through his head.

Eventually San found himself at the door of the office. He mentally braced himself to enter.

The door pushed open quite easily, and thus San found himself taking in the scene.
Wooyoung sat in a desk chair, and a school staff which San believed to be akin to a counselor sat across from him at her desk.

Also present in the room was a familiar tall older woman. San immediately felt a nervousness form in the pit of his stomach upon seeing Wooyoung's mother.

"Yeah, that's him," San heard quietly spoken from the woman to the staff. If he wasn't nervous before, he certainly was now.

"San," said the counselor, giving him a kind smile. "Come in," she offered, seeing the boy lingering at the door. San obeyed, letting the door softly close and padding over. He took a seat next to Wooyoung, who was currently giving him a somewhat apologetic look.

"So, Mrs. Jung, what did you say the problem was again?" the counselor asked, closing a file she had open on her desk as if to signal she was fully focused on the conversation.

The mother took a harsh breath, as if preparing to rant.
"This one," she started, pointing to San, "has been... coercing my son!" she started, as if trying to put her anger into words.

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