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San typed quickly, hitting the 'post' button as soon as the last word had been entered.

Running a blog was hard work, especially when busy with schoolwork and social life. At the present moment he found himself typing as he walked out of class, barely avoiding crashing directly into students passing by.

Choi San, in a moment of boredom a few months back, had decided to start a blog just for the hell of it. He chose the nickname 'Genie,' partially because of the allure as a sort of all knowing deity, and partially because of the stupid Akinator website. Despite the spur of the moment name and setup, he found his blog to be gaining more and more attention as time went by, especially from students at his school.

Of course, having made and kept the blog anonymous, no one knew that San was the one behind it— those who knew of Genie knew them as only that and nothing more, a mysterious figure who, aside from possibly the information given in their advice, was completely unidentifiable. San felt it was best to keep it that way. After all, a sort of trust came along with the anonymity... one that may not remain after people realize who exactly is giving the advice.

A quiet ding grabbed San's attention. He glanced down at his phone, seeing yet another message appear in his inbox. He almost smiled to himself as he caught a preview of the message's contents in the notification. It seemed like an interesting one.

That was one aspect which San enjoyed about his blog. Now that people were coming to him for advice, he suddenly knew loads more tea than he did before. Gossip that he wouldn't otherwise know about was now being directly influenced by his words— this was a kind of power new to San, and he loved it.

San dumped his backpack down at the first lunch table he reached, diverting all of his attention to his phone as he clicked on the incoming message, mentally preparing to think up some wack piece of advice.

New Message !
From: @young.blood
Hi Genie...
Not sure if you usually answer these kinds of DMs but fuck if I don't give it a try.
There's this cute guy in my class who I want to befriend... he probably wouldn't be interested in dating me but... do you think it'd be stupid to try to be friends with him anyway? What if I end up developing like, an actual crush-crush on him and he rejects me? Hnngnng save me, Genie.

San raised an eyebrow, fingers hovering over the keyboard as he took a moment to think of a reply. Crush advice wasn't rare at all, yet something about the way this person had worded it made San question the circumstances.

From: @kq_genie
To: young.blood
Hi there!
I answer all DMs, feel free to ask whatever your heart desires.
That being said— your problem here...
You said he wouldn't be interested in you anyway? Give yourself more credit, I bet you're cuter than you think. But, if you're okay with just being friends, then there's no reason not to try. Go for it! The worst that can happen is you don't end up being friends. That's it.

If you'd care to elaborate or rant I'm always here to message :)

San hit send and shut off his phone, thinking the other person would take some time to respond.


San glanced his phone in disbelief. A reply already?
A quick check of the username confirmed it was the same user. Damn. San thought they must really be going through it. He calmly opened up his messages once again.


it's not me being cute that's the problem
the problem is that
he is a guy
and I also happen to be a guy

San stared for a second upon receiving this new information... not a judging stare, more one of surprise.
He hadn't realized there were any other gay guys at the school.

oh??? i see
honestly if you ask me that's not an obstacle
he could be gay? or bi or pan
you never know
up until literally a second ago when you said that I thought I was the only gay guy in this whole school but turns out I'm not

Oh what
Genie you're a guy?? Huh idk why I always thought you'd be female
Wait did you say yOU're gay too??? Holy shit gay rights

fuck wait no I didn't say anything
my precious privacy
but okay yeah gay rights

Hey genie you wanna go out on a date with me like, full homo
From one gay to another my dude

aHAHa tempting offer but
sadly I must decline
that would require seeing who I am

ah well, your loss
anyway I've gotta go my friends are here but thanks for the advice genie :))
you seem like a cool person

just doin my job ;)
feel free to DM me whenever


San took a breath as he registered the conversation as officially over. Something inside him felt restless, all of a sudden.
Sure he could handle days of normal tea, but gay tea? He never got to see that. He secretly hoped that the user would message him again soon.

"Saaaaan!" a low voice yelled, a body almost colliding into him as the owner of it jumped into the seat next to San.

"Hey Mingi," he greeted, seeing his other friends following close behind the other. San shoved his phone in his pocket, putting away his thoughts for later as he turned his attention to his friends.

The crowd gathering around him could only distract him so much, however.

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