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San swung his feet back and forth as he sat on the cold bench, listening to a song to pass the time.

At the current moment said boy was simply waiting in a school hallway for his boyfriend's dance practice to be over. Wooyoung had promised to go grab snacks with San as soon as the meeting ended, and thus San decided to come a bit early and wait nearby.

The waiting proved to be quite agonizing, with every minute seeming like an hour as he restlessly checked the time on his phone.

San was too caught up in staring at the clock to notice a pattering of light footsteps approach him, coming to stop in front of him.

"Um... do you mind if I sit here?" came the pleasant voice of a girl, causing San to snap out of his thoughts.

"Nah, it's fine," he said, not bothering to look up just yet. He only saw the vague figure of the girl taking a seat next to him on the bench, crossing her legs idly.

San felt his brain stall for a moment. Something about her felt strangely familiar, just in her movement and voice... yet San had no idea what it was.

As soon as he glanced up he found himself making direct eye contact with her, much to his surprise. She seemed to stare at him, glancing over his features in a similar confusion.

A cold feeling instantly washed over him as he recognized her.

"Doyeon?" he muttered, seeing a similar look of realization wash over the girl's face.

"Fuck, San??" she said, the air in the room instantly becoming thick with tension.

San felt himself cringing internally. He had no idea how to face her, especially not after his confusing rejection and years spent apart.

San figured memories would be flooding her brain as well. As most of his friends would know, Kim Doyeon was the poor soul who had been unlucky enough to have a crush on Choi San in middle school. Much to her misfortune, a tragic, conflicting two entire weeks of dating led to San dumping her via a series of confusing and vague text messages.

San wanted to crawl into a hole and die at that moment. His feelings of regret and awkwardness were only magnified by the sight of the girl now sitting across from him turning her gaze towards the floor.

"It's, uh... been a while," she brought herself to say, still not willing to make eye contact with him. This certainly didn't make San feel like less of an ass.

"Aha, yeah, it has..." he returned, internally screaming at how hesitant his voice came out.

"You go to this school now?" she continued, her subtle efforts to break the tension with small talk beginning to work.

"Yeah, I do. Didn't you move somewhere over north?" San recalled the tidbit of information from their chats back in the day.

She nodded. "I did, I go to the school up there. I'm just here to wait for my sister to get out of her club," she explained, gesturing vaguely in the direction down the hallway.

"That makes two of us waiting for someone in a club then. What club is she in?" San inquired. The air was beginning to feel considerably less awkward, and he now gathered the nerve to actually look at her when speaking.

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