5. welcome home

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My head hurt

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My head hurt. That was my first thought.

My second was that I didn't remember the previous night. Or how I managed to get back into my own bed. But somehow I did.

Though, even with my head pounding, I finally managed to put the two thoughts together and realize I had drank a lot the night before. Like a lot, a lot. The combined thoughts made me brave enough to open my eyes, though I wished I hadn't. The sunlight glaring through my windows made me groan and cover my face with my sheets.

I looked down at myself and found that I was still in my black dress from last night.

At least I hadn't slept with anybody.

But after thinking that, a whole flood of memories poured back into my brain and I replayed what I could remember of the previous night.


Tequila Boy.

Tequila Boy's friend.

No scratch that, Nicholas Williams.

Knowing I had spent a majority of my last night either dancing or making out with that boy was enough to make me want to take three showers and brush my teeth several times.

How could I have been so stupid? How could I have not recognized who he was. All the signs were there. And I was willing to bet Tequila Boy was none other than Nicholas's right hand man, Nathaniel Prescott.

But in all honesty, how did I think nothing of it when I walked into Nicholas' room and started making out with boy. How did my mind not go, Oh maybe this is Nicholas?

"Stupid, stupid, stupid," I banged my head against the backboard of me bed, only furthering the massive headache that I was feeling.

"Talking to yourself now?" A female voice announced as my door opened.

"Yes, Courtney. I have officially lost it," I said sarcastically, but only sort of.

"I knew this day would come," Courtney replied. "So, what time did you get home last night?"

"I don't know," I answered. "Maybe two or three."

"Where were you?" She pushed.

"Someone's house," I answered vaguely.


"Why so many questions? It's not that important!" I snapped at her.

Courtney, always one to ignore things she didn't want to hear, walked further into my room and sat down on the end of my bed. How she managed to look flawless and awake at eight in the morning never ceased to amaze me. I woke up looking like a dragon every morning.

"Did you meet any cute boys last night?" Courtney asked, continuing to ignore my attempts to get her to leave.

"I have a boyfriend, why would I—Oh my god!" I declared, realizing what I had done. "I kissed another guy!"

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