16. three words, eight letters, i hate you

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I never thought I would dread a Tuesday more than a Monday, but here we are

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I never thought I would dread a Tuesday more than a Monday, but here we are. After an awful first day of having the pretend we were in a relationship, the last thing I wanted to do was go through it all again. Saying I struggled to get out of bed would be an understatement. I had to drag myself out and force myself to put on my uniform. The navy blue had never looked less appealing.

"Are you ready yet?" Nicholas's voice called from downstairs. He had suggested the idea that we drive to school together in order to appear as more of a couple. Though I was sure his "idea" was suggested by his parents, I had told him no. I guess listening is just another thing he's not good at.

"Hey, maybe I could call in sick today?" I offered, yelling back from my bedroom as I pulled up my navy, pleated uniform skirt.

"And leave me alone in this? I don't think so."

I sighed and grabbed my bag before marching down the stairs to where Nicholas was standing. He looked annoyed. As was probably customary for a guy who had to pretend to be in a relationship with a girl that he probably wished would disappear off the face of the planet.

"So what's the plan today?" I asked. We pulled it off yesterday, but could we do it again? Could we do it for the rest of high school? That was to be determined.

"We walk in there and pretend like we love each other," he said, wincing. "Or at least really like each other."

"In case you've forgotten," I countered while grabbing a bagel off of the kitchen counter. "The whole school has heard about you telling me—oh what were the words—that you could "never spend the rest of your fucking life with me.""

"One of our couple fights," Nicholas shrugged it off. "We tend to have a fair few of them."

"What if people ask how we started dating?"

"We tell them that it was bound to happen, we've known each other since we were little kids."

When I didn't answer, Nicholas said exasperated, "Brooke, I just need you to be my girlfriend for five minutes here."

Nicholas seemed to have an answer for everything I threw at him. Even if I didn't like the answer.

"Fine, let's just get this over with."

The ride to school was the longest, most painful trip of my life. I'm not even exaggerating when I say it was dead silent. Not a word was spoken. Neither of us really knew what to say or saying what we wanted to.

The parking lot didn't look too friendly either.

"Are there always this many people here this early?" I asked, cringing at the vast amount of kids walking out of their cars.

"Maybe if you got ready faster..." Nicholas trailed off, though hesitancy was written across his face. "Are you ready?"

"As ready as I'll ever be," I said as Nicholas opened the door of his car. It was a really nice one, though I couldn't tell you what kind of car it was though. I grabbed my bag and followed suit. Eyes seemed to follow our every move, waiting and watching.

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