21. things i didn't even know

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"What do you mean they won't be here by next weekend?" Screeched Courtney into her phone as I stepped into the kitchen on Tuesday morning

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"What do you mean they won't be here by next weekend?" Screeched Courtney into her phone as I stepped into the kitchen on Tuesday morning. Leave it to Courtney to be yelling at someone over the phone before eight a.m. "I ordered them two weeks ago!"

I made my way hastily around my irritated sister and found the coffee already made by my dad before he left for work. What is a school morning without coffee? That's a question I don't want to know the answer to.

"What am I supposed to do with four hundred macarons in a month? I need them this weekend!" Courtney's voice carried throughout our entire penthouse. "Do you understand that? Or should I say it in French?"

Courtney dropped her phone on the marble counter tops in the kitchen and stormed towards me. I backed up quickly, scared of what she would do if I was in her way.

"Ugh, I hate France!" Courtney exclaimed as she plopped down on one of the barstools at the breakfast countertop. This was probably the most ungraceful I had ever seen her.

"Court, you go to France at least once a month," I corrected her, sipping my coffee.

"Well next time I go, I'm not getting any macarons," Courtney pouted.

"What are you talking about?" I asked, shaking my head and checking the time to make sure I wouldn't be too late for school.

"You remember that bakery that makes those macarons that Adrianna loves?" Courtney asked.

I nodded. Last year, the three of us had taken a trip to Paris for a week and each day Adrianna insisted we stop at this little bakery and buy a macaron. She ended up taking two huge boxes back home.

"What's it called, something Mulot?" I asked.

"That's the one," Courtney said bitterly. "Two weeks ago I ordered four hundred macarons for her bridal shower this weekend. But they just called me to say that they wouldn't be able to get them here for another month. What am I supposed to do with that many macarons in a month?"

"Eat them," I joked, clearly a bad choice given by the glare I received from my sister. "Why did you order so many in the first place?"

"Because it's going to be huge. Adrianna wanted everyone to be there, not just her bridesmaids and family. Like she invited Robbie and all his friends and practically everyone they knew on the Upper East side."

"I though bridal showers were traditionally for just women?" I asked.

"Oh, they are," Courtney explained. "I was there when Ade told Mrs. Van der Hoof. Oh God, you should have seen the fit that woman threw."

"I can believe it," I answered. Adrianna couldn't convince Mrs. Van der Hoof to let her have long sleeves on her wedding dress, how did she convince her to have and unconventional bridal shower?

"So what about you and Isaac?" I asked, taking another sip of my coffee and checking the time again. Believe it or not, I did actually try to be on time for most things. "You guys thinking of setting a wedding date anytime soon?"

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