15. the beginning of the end

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Nicholas had never been more anxious for a Monday morning in his life

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Nicholas had never been more anxious for a Monday morning in his life. The day before, Brooke and Nicholas, led by both of their parents made their official announcement to the press that Brooke and Nicholas were officially dating and would merge the largest companies in New York within the next few years. Nicholas had thought it was smart of them to not to set an actual date.

As was typical for Brooke, she hadn't been on time for the interviews to start. But once she was there, Nicholas had refused to talk to her. After some goading from both his parents and Nate and Liam, he had tried to initiate a conversation that was so dull and forced he was surprise his ears didn't start bleeding.

The interview itself was nothing special, at least in Nicholas' opinion it wasn't. Apparently every single media outlet that was present thought differently, but that was their decision. Brooke and Nicholas had said what they had been told to say. That they'd known each other since they were little kids, no there wouldn't be an engagement for the next few years, and just the legal conditions of the merger would take at least two years so don't expect these companies to merge for at least another three years. Neither Brooke nor Nicholas were too please that they were looking at a timeline of three years, at least in their parents's eyes, but Nicholas was confident that that timeline would change, especially if they both went off to different colleges.

The one thing that had surprised Nicholas about Sunday afternoon, was that Brooke had managed to completely captivate the media crowd. She had this strange effect over them where she could make them laugh and buy herself enough time to come up with plausible answers to any of the questions they had asked her.

Nicholas Williams had initially thought that Sunday afternoon would be the worst day of his life. However, he neglected to think about the aftermath of that day that came in the form of Monday morning.

"Hey," Nate walked into Nicholas's bedroom without knocking, typical. "So today's the big day, huh?"

Nate walked over and plopped down on Nicholas's bed. Nicholas looked at his clock as say it said 7:30 a.m. Why Nathaniel Prescott was always up at the crack of dawn, Nicholas could never figure out, but the kid was always at his house and ready to go to school before Nicholas's eyes were even open.

"I guess," Nicholas shrugged as he got out of bed and made his way to his bathroom. "I thought yesterday was going to be the worst day of my life."

"Nick, if there's something I've learned from my years of making bad decisions," Nate started with his fake wisdom act again. "The day after is always worse than the day of."

"Right." Nicholas just nodded his head and changed into the his school uniform. He looked in the mirror to make sure his uniform was on right and walked back into his bedroom. "How do I look?"

"Like you're going to your funeral," Nate chuckled darkly.

"Funny," Nicholas said sarcastically. "That's how I feel."

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