The "heartthrob" (2)

Start from the beginning

"Tell me, does my bhabi (sister-in-law) not have a staring competition with you?" DD was smirking and the only thing Neil was wishing to do was punching that smirk out of his face.

"And who in the hell, told you that I want to have something with her?" DD was Neil's buddy since high school. He knows what Neil feels just by looking at him. They are like one soul but in two bodies, according to DD.

"Why did you fight with her this time?" DD, who was sitting like normally, now sat on top of the table with legs crossed from each other and looked at Neil with a serious face.

Neil laughed, "Partner, you are wasting my precious time by asking about stupid things? I have a meeting to handle and other important things." DD got down from the table and went to the side, where Neil was standing. Seeing DD coming in his direction, Neil turned towards him.

DD was concerned for his friend, he put his hand on Neil's forehead to check his temperature and frowned. "You don't have a fever!"

Neil huff and take DD's hand off of his forehead, "Of course, I do not have a fever."

"THAN WHY THE HELL ARE YOU HERE?????" DD yelled on top of his lungs leaving Neil confused and shook. While, someone of the employees, peeked into DD's cabin.

DD never behaved like that in the office.

Did a girl break his heart?
Is he okay?
Does he need my help with anything?
At some moments, Neil always got concerned for his friend.

"Neil Khanna, I am talking with you not with the walls!!!!" DD was angry and that is understatement, he was beyond furious.

"DD, we are in the office right now. Can you calm down for a second?" Neil was getting worried seeing how his friend was behaving.

"Neil... IT'S YOUR DAY OFF FROM WORK TODAY!!!!!" And that's when it hits Neil.

No servant
No driver
No calls from the office.
No noises in the house or office.
It all made sense but where was Avni?
That's what he was not able to understand!

"EARTH TO MR. NEIL KHANNA!!" DD wants to pull his hairs out with Neil being an annoying ass and going to his la la land.

"Wait, so it's sunday today?"

"What a nice time that you had realized that! That was sarcasm. "Who the hell leaves his wife on the day off from work alone to only come back to work?"

Only Neil Khanna can do that! As he's a workaholic!

"You should get the hell out of this office and better not be seen anywhere near this building or else you will die today." Neil was not going to do what his friend was telling him to do. He wants his mind to be at peace, which he is not able to have since he woke up in the empty house.

" Don't tell, you actually fought with bhabi (sister-in-law)?" Neil was lost. DD shook Neil to bring him to reality. "Man tell me what did you do this time?" DD sounded like he was so done and at the moment was tired after giving counseling to a messed up person.

"I fucked up big time and do not make me recall it." DD narrowed his eyes at Neil.

"Oh you thought! You think you can mess with my bhabi and I will let you off the hook so easily." DD made Neil sit on the couch that was in his cabin and sat across from him.

"I am all ear right now before I flip out on you." DD said this to Neil while looking at his watch.

Neil slowly started to open up like he always did before and DD at first heard everything and then did his magic. Once Neil was done with his side of the story, he looked up at DD, who had a mysterious expression on his face.

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