Chapter 50

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Michael still had to oversee his work place so he was on his laptop all through. I was really bored and there was nothing to do so I decided to spend time with Makayla before heading over to the stores with Michael's mum to get a dress for my engagement party.
I wasn't really excited about the whole thing because Michael mentioned his cousins and friends coming with their families. I wasn't a fan of large crowds at all but I couldn't cancel it. I just had to go on with it.
Stepping into Makayla's room I saw her on a chair her focus on something she was shading.
Moving closer to her I saw her deeply engrossed in her colouring book. When she saw me, her eyes widened and she stood up to jump on me.
"Cwharlie, come see my drawings"
And that my friends us how I spent my morning playing with little Kay Kay. She was just too funny and I ended up laughing at whatever she said every single time.
She showed me pictures of Michael when he was younger and they were all so funny. He was such a cute baby.
We played around until it was time to go shopping and Makayla begged to go with us because she said she wanted to still spend time with me.
Such a darling
Changing quickly into a maxi gown paired with wedge sandals I was ready to go.
Olivia as I've come to know was really nice. We made small talk throughout the journey and soon we were at the mall.
I really didn't have an idea of what I wanted to wear just that I wanted a dress so I wasn't sure where to start from.
We had looked around for almost an hour after dropping Makayla off at the kiddies play centre and still hadn't found the perfect dress. Most of the ones I found were just not catching my attention.
I was almost giving up when my eyes caught a blue dress from the window of a store. It looked so mesmerising and when I saw Olivia, her eyes lit up too. We went into the store happily and I tried the dress on.
It was an off the shoulder baby blue chiffon dress. It hugged my boobs and was free from the waist down with a slit at the right side. There was also a silver belt around the waist line.
I looked in the mirror and it was perfect. I loved how I felt in it. Olivia clapped her hands when she saw me in it and begged me to take it.
Of course I did without thinking twice. I picked silver heels and a purse to go with it and we went to pay. Olivia also bought a dress and heels to wear tomorrow. She didn't even let me pay and insisted that it was a pre wedding gift.
On our way back after picking up Makayla who slept off immediately she got into the car, Olivia began a very serious conversation.
"Charlie dear Michael told us about your parents well most especially your dad"
I didn't know what to say; I mean what was I to say?
ok, alright, he did?
None of them seemed like the right thing to say so I kept quiet.
"I just want you to know that I see you as my own daughter. I know I might not be able to replace your mum and I'm not trying to- I can never be her. I just want to stand in as a mother figure for you. I want you to be free with me; you should be able to come to me anytime you feel pressured or you want to get anything off your chest. I know you have my son for that but from experience there are some things that you would need a motherly advice on and I'd be glad to give that to you. I just don't want you feeling out of place or uncomfortable because if you must know, everyone is happy that you are in Michael's life. I doubt if he had told you about how he was in the past; he was what I would call a certified play boy. He could never keep a girl for a month; always changing girls like he would change clothes. I was naturally worried as a mother would be because he's my first child and that bothered me. I just wanted him settled with a loving girl by his side and when he finally called us one day to talk about a girl I was excited. He never talks about any of his flings so that came as a surprise. Everytime he called he always found a way to include you into our conversations. He told us about your dad- how you both were taking care of him and how your dad entrusted you in his care. It was amazing how I could feel his love for you through a call. I really love you for him and I'm glad you are here for him which is why I want to be there for us at any point. I've felt the loss of a father and in a way I can understand how you feel. It's a terrible feeling and I can only imagine half of what you might be feeling. It's good to have people around that would make you feel welcomed". She finished off with a little smile
Mehn that was one hell of a speech; I'm guessing Michael took up the art of speaking from his mum. They both make me emotional with their words.
I held my tears in as I hugged her.
"Thank you so much mum"
"You don't know the joy it gives me to hear that word from your lips. I love you okay?"
"I love you too mum"
We pulled apart and we had already gotten back to the house.
*Clean your tears dear we don't want Michael thinking I made you cry, do we? He can get really defensive over you" she said with a chuckle
I let out a soft laughter as I dried my tears and carried my bags out of the car. I felt pretty good after this shopping trip and I couldn't wait for the party tomorrow.

So emotional 😭 😭 😭😭 this family makes me tear up at every given opportunity...who likes Michael's mum even more now? I know I do...such a lovely woman
Prepare your mind for the engagement ceremony lovelies...get your heels and dresses ready and for the guy's your tuxedo and dress shoes because we are gonna smash this partyyyyyyyyyyyyy
See you in the next chapter, I'mma go prepare myself for the party
Ladies don't forget your make up
My lovely readers don't be angry with me o- I was preparing for the party no; I had to shop for cloths and makeup stuff so that Micheal and Charlotte will not leave me behind. E Pele o, e ma binu
Vote and comment lovelies 😘
I want to dedicate this chapter to somebody sha. Today is his birthday, may God bless his soul because he's a good person and at a time my source of inspiration for this book. Thank God for small mercies sha.
Anyways happy birthday StephenAhgo.

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