Chapter 28

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Days passed by and I was getting agitated. You may ask why? Why because each day passing was a count down to dad's death. The doctor did not give a particular day so any day could be his last. I spent all my time at the hospital by his side and with every of his breath I was praying for it not to be his last; maybe a miracle might happen.
Micheal gave me another leave so I didn't have to bother myself with work and also dad's health. I hardly ate anything unless Micheal forced me to; I didn't have the strength to eat anything as I didn't want to leave dad's side knowing his days are numbered. I just couldn't stand he thought of him leaving me and me not being there; I had the feeling that him seeing me often would give him the strength to fight so I just stayed around.
The hospital gave me an extra foldable bed to sleep on just to be comfortable which I was kinda grateful for. Micheal brought me change of clothes and my toiletries since I didn't want to go home; I was so grateful that he didn't try to talk me out of staying at the hospital. I didn't want any opposition for my views, I just needed someone understanding and that is exactly what he was. He couldn't stay for long hours like me because of work so he came early in the morning to check up on me and bring me food and after work he spends his time here till its time to sleep then he goes home.
I don't even know how I got this man but my love and respect for him increased and one thing I knew was that if this situation with my dad blows over and he asks me for my hand; I was ready to spend my life with this guy. He was just the best.
Dad's health wasn't really looking good at all; the doctors checked his vitals and all that everyday but it was the same news. All hope that he was going to get better diminished every single day; it was like waiting for a ticking time bomb to explode but not knowing the exact time.
Micheal came back from work early today and he brought me food while advising me to rest. There was no way I could rest but I went out to get some air. I trusted Micheal to look over dad so I quickly went out.
Its been long since I came out for air since I've been just staying by dad's side so I just waited for a while to clear my head.
I got back to the room and I heard Micheal and dad conversing; not to interrupt them I stayed at the door to watch them and at the same time give them privacy.
Some of their conversation floated over to me;
"Micheal son, I want you to take care of her for me. I may not have much time remaining for me. I know you love her; I've seen it countless times in your eyes when you look at her that's why I'm leaving her in your hands because I know you will take care of her. Please don't leave her alone; I want to die peacefully knowing that she's in safe hands. I give you my blessings already to get married to her. I know she can get difficult at times but that's what makes her who she is. Please son can you do that for me?"
Tears were forming in my eyes already as I listened in to their conversation. It touched my heart that dad could still think about my safety in a time like this.
"Yes sir I can do that; I won't disappoint you"
Micheal's voice brought me back to reality and I couldn't stop the sob that escaped my mouth.
Two heads turned to the door and dad motioned me over. I moved closer to the bed and sat down as he started talking.
"Baby girl I want you to know that I love you so much. I wish more than anything to be with you every step of the way but unfortunately I don't think that would be possible. By now you should know that the possibility of me surviving this is far-fetched. I don't want you to dwell on the negativities but on the positive aspects. Even when I'm not here, I want you to know that I'll always be watching over you. I've left enough for you; you'll be fine. You've done so much for me; leaving your job for a while just to look after me and to make sure I'm fine; thank you so much baby girl. Even when your mum died and I left you for years just because I was grieving instead of sharing your pain with u. I wish I could turn back the hands of the clock to those days so I could take you into my hands and just hug you. I regret every minute I could not spend with you when you blamed yourself for her death and you locked yourself up. I'm so sorry baby girl; I love you so much you know that. Now I can't even stop you from feeling pain because of my impending death; I wish I could wipe away your tears but I'm so helpless and it hurts me that you are hurt. I had planned so many things for us but now we can't do anything. I want you to be happy and not one bit sad when I'm gone because I will always be in your heart forever baby; death can take away your loved ones physically but can never erase their memories from your heart. I love you so much baby girl, so so much"
"I love you too dad and I forgive you for not being there; you were hurting and I reminded you so much of your loss, it wasn't your fault. I don't blame you and you shouldn't blame yourself. I love you dad, please s-s-stay with m-m-e-e" by this time, my tears were out in full force as I hugged him tight never wanting to let go.
I held his hand when I released him and as much as I wanted to hold on to that tiny hope within me that he was going to survive, I knew even as I held onto his hand in that hospital room that it was all over. His words to both of us were his way of telling us goodbye; he knew I did not want to let go and he did it for me, nevertheless it was still painful.
As he closed his eyes, his heart monitor went still and that was the end. I couldn't scream, I couldn't shout, I could only cry. I was grateful for one thing though- grateful for the fact that he died peacefully. He knew his time was up so he gave us his final farewell.
Everything that happened after that was a blur. The doctors came in and pronounced him dead and that was it.

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