Chapter 26

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The week went by in a blur and I was never so grateful for the weekend. I needed to relax and what better way to relax than for Micheal to invite me on a date.
He has been exceptionally sweet these past few days; sending flowers occasionally. I concluded it was him because I received a bouquet of white roses in the house and he was the only one who had been to my house. I wanted to call him to thank him immediately but when he called to inform me about our date and something important he wanted to tell me, I decided to wait till then.
I think dad was right, he does like me and I think I'm falling for him too. He's just so romantic and caring. I just hope he won't turn out to be lik- I had to stop my train of thoughts before it spoils my mood.
This evening is a great start for something new, I hope and I couldn't ruin it for anything or anybody in this case.
I am currently in my room after my warm bath deciding on what cloth to wear for the date. He told me to dress for a dinner date so I opted for a long black lace dress lined with a short nude inner. I paired it with a nude root platform heels and a nude clutch.
I wanted to look elegant and classy but at the same time a bit modest. I took out my make up kit and did a light natural make up. Instead of a lipstick, I went for a pink lipgloss to enhance my already pink lips.
My next task was my hair; I wondered about what to do with it before deciding on curling it. I plugged in the curler and waited it for heat up before curling my hair gently. When I was done, I pinned part of the hair up with the help of bobby pins while the rest fell down. With my hair done, I was set and ready to go. I checked my reflection one more time and I was looking. My hair and make-up achieved the look I was going for; to look like I put in effort without trying to go over board.
I put in my phone in my clutch but not before taking a picture of myself, my set house keys, a little cash, my lipgloss and my touch up make up kit.
I slowly went out of my room to dad's room to check up on him before going out. I met him reading a book.
"Hey dad" I said gaining his attention.
He looked up and smiled at me before dropping the book.
"You look so beautiful baby"
"Thanks dad, I just wanted to check up on you before going out. Will you be ok by yourself?"
"Baby, I've told you to put your happiness before mine"
"But da-
"I'll be fine besides the care taker would be around so I'm in safe hands. Don't you worry about me and enjoy yourself" he said cutting off everything I was going to say.
As much as I wanted to go on that date, I would change my plans in a heartbeat to stay with my dad. I didn't like seeing him like this; it hurts me.
"Baby don't cry. You would ruin your make up"
Before I could reply there was the sound of the doorbell. That must be Micheal.
I excused myself to open the door and what I saw had me salivating. He was dressed in a light blue shirt with the sleeves rolled up his arms and two buttons purposely undone with black pants. His dressing was completed with black dress shoes. His hair looked like he run his hands through it several times but it still looked sexy. He looked irresistable.
"You look beautiful Charlie" he said in a low voice with his breath fanning over my neck.
I didn't even realize that we were so close. My cheeks felt as though they were on fire. I wanted to kiss him so badly but I knew I needed to get away.
So reluctantly I moved away to get some air.
He was watching my every move and I felt really self conscious. I cleared my throat seversl times before I could form a coherent sentence.
"Ummm, would you like to see my dad before we head out?"
I didn't even give him a chance to respond before spinning on my heels and going to dad's room.
I left them talking to get a glass of water to calm myself down. If I couldn't handle this and control myself, how would I control myself when we are spending hours together alone? Get yourself together Charlie!!!

The ride to the restaurant was kind of fun. He played different songs on the radio while we sang along to the ones we knew. I would have never guessed he was a sucker for love songs- he knew almost all that was played.
The tense atmosphere back at home was long gone and was replaced by something a lot more special. It was like we had known eachother forever. We were so free with eachother and I guess that was a good thing. He slipped his hands into mine as he was driving and I felt at home.
We got to a fancy looking restaurant and as he packed he got out quickly to open my side of the car. I blushed at that gesture.
He offered me his hand and we walked together to our reserved seats. The place was really nice. It had candle lights creating a really romantic and special sight. He pulled out my seat for me to sit and then he walked over to his own flashing me his bright smile.
We got our orders and time passed as we ate and made small talk. Although I enjoyed our conversation, I started getting impatient wanting to hear what he wanted to tell me. I didn't want to look too forward so I excused myself for the ladies room to give nyself a pep talk.
It took me a minute to fully calm down and I came back to the table. Our plates were already packed and Micheal was staring at me intently. I blushed while taking my seat; his burning stares did unexplainable things to my tummy.
"Charlie" he said softly
I looked at him waiting for him to continue.
"I wanna tell you something"
I nodded my head to urge him on while trying to keep a straight face.
"Ever since the first day I saw you I've been having these fantasies about you; I couldn't get you out of my head. I never thought I would find an opportunity to meet with you. You might have thought that it would be so easy seeing that I'm your boss but it was really difficult. On several occasions I just wanted to call you to my office but I realized that would just be awkward for both of us. I tried thinking about different ways for us to meet but I realized another obstacle; I didn't even consider if you were in another relationship or if you wouldn't even feel the same way I felt so I stepped back for a while. When I showed up at your house it was because I stopped seeing you at the office for days. I asked your office head and he told me you had a family emergency. I wanted to be there for you in every way even if I didn't know what it was. That's how I showed up at your house and I've learnt different things about you. Charlie I love you and every part of you; you are beautiful, caring and compassionate, loving, responsible and every single thing I could ever look for in a woman. If you would let me I would love to show you love in every way possible. Honestly, I would love to spend my lifetime with you but I'm gonna leave that for another day....."
He paused and stared into my eyes before saying his next words
"I love you so much Charlie, would you be my girlfriend?"
Tears flowed freely down my eyes with his speech and confession of love. He was too perfect, so perfect and he wanted me to be his girlfriend; his miss perfect to complete him. It took a while for me to form a word but I finally said it.
"Yes" I managed to choke out.
He came over to my side and hugged me while dabbing at my tears with his handkerchief.
"Can I kiss you?" He asked
I nodded and it happened. Everything I've ever dreamt about happened at that moment. It wasn't hurried; it was magical and slow erupting different fireworks inside of me like he was trying to pour his love for me into the kiss. It ended just as it had begun and he went back to his seat.
"Charlie I still have something to give you"
"What is it?"
He produced a bouquet of red roses. My mood kind of deflated. I've never been given any kind of flowers apart from white roses. He should know that so why did he bring red roses along.
"Do you not like the flowers? I didn't know what your favourites were and the salesperson told me red is a general colour among ladies so I just took them. I could get another one for you. I just wanted this night to be special. I'm so sorr..."
I didn't allow him to finish talking as I cut in; "You didn't know? So who has been sending me flowers? I simply thought it was you as you spent a lot of time around my dad and I assumed he told you about the family's love for white roses. I planned on thanking you for them this evening"
This was getting really interesting. He wanted to say something else when my phone started ringing. I picked it and what I heard shattered my night. Dad was just rushed to the hospital. All fun forgotten, we rushed out of the restaurant after paying the bills and leaving a huge tip to go to the hospital.

Guys this was supposed to be a Valentine's update but a lot happened yesterday so I couldn't complete it but here we are. I made it super long for my loyal and patient readers.
I love you all and its still not too late to share some love to you....xoxo
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Much love

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