Chapter 2

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"Char wake up! We're gonna be late for school"
Groaning I woke up to see a smiling Em. This girl is gonna be the death of me. I'm beginning to regret my decision of giving her a spare key to the house.
I checked the time and to my displeasure it was just 6. 6! Who wakes up by 6 just to prepare for school when it starts by 8
"Em its just 6, I need to get my beauty sleep. Where are you rushing off to?" I said groggily
I was damn tired. I slept late last night thinking about a particular guy in school. This was my second year in college and I had a major crush on the school's quarterback; Christian, not like he noticed me though. I don't even think he would because I wasn't as fashionable as the other girls and I wasn't that pretty right? I guess I should be contented crushing on him from afar; knowing myself I would faint from shyness if he ever talked to me or even looked in my direction.
During his practice, I always found an excuse to watch him play. To see his golden brown hair glistening in the sunlight, the way his muscles rippled as he ran across the field, his well toned body gotten from hours of playing in the sun and his baby blue dreamy eyes I can get lost in at any time. I also can't forget his extremely kissable lips which lightens up his whole face when he smiles.
Lost in my world as I thought about Christian, I was brought back to life when I felt icy water on my face.
I opened my eye to see a laughing Em with her phone taking a picture of me in my soaked pyjamas. I was beyond angry.
"What was that for?" I practically yelled with every trace of sleep gone from my body system.
"You need to get up to prepare for Chris" she replied still giggling
Em knew about my major crush on Chris and being a good friend she is, she helps me 'dress to kill' as she puts it so he can notice me.
"Char, come on, its 6:30 already" she grumbled as she pushed me into the bathroom
I finished bathing and came out to see Em with two different outfits. I internally groaned. Em loves dressing up while I don't ; I just see it as a waste of time.
I don't want to disappoint Em and I badly also wanted Chris to notice me so I chose a short black flare gown and paired it with a small red belt and my red flats which Em as usual rejected and replaced with red heels. I wore my necklace and bangles and I was set to go.
Em sat me down to curl my hair and do light makeup on my face. By the time she was done it was just 7:15.
Wowww!! We still had enough time for breakfast. Breakfast is something I don't always want to miss; its my favorite meal of the day. We went downstairs to see the table set with pancakes, maple syrup and coffee courtesy of Carmen. Dad employed Carmen shortly after mum died, she is an older woman with just one child who was married already. She was very understanding, bringing me food to my room those early days of mum's death and singing me to sleep whenever I start crying. She was the first person I started speaking to after my one month of silence.
After breakfast we both said goodbye to Carmen and zoomed off in my ride. We got to school at exactly 7:30 and Em left me to meet up with her boyfriend after giving me some advice on how to talk to Chris.
We still had 30 minutes before class starts so she literally pushed me to talk to him.
Chris was standing by his car typing away on his phone. I was nervous as hell. In fact who am I kidding, nervous was an understatement. I wasn't the bold type at all, I was extremely shy.
As I remained where I was thinking of what to do, I felt someone staring at me and as I looked up, guess what!!!!!!!
I couldn't contain my excitement at all as I saw a familiar pair of baby blue eyes staring at me. I wanted to melt into a puddle because as our eyes met, he smiled at me.
OMG!!!!!!!!!! He fucking smiled at me. Dear lord, am I dreaming????? I have to be. Chris just smiled at me??? Its impossible right.
I looked behind to see if there was anyone behind but there was no one.
Turning my head back slowly, I looked forward to see Chris standing right in front of me. How did he get here so quickly? OK, what should I do? Should I smile back, talk or remain silent? I had totally forgotten what Em told me to say. I looked at him and saw him staring right at me. God, this is so awkward; say something I told myself but I was totally mute. As I continued my internal battle, he spoke up.
" Are you ok?"
Not until he spoke did I realize I was sweating- no hyperventilating was the right word. I tried saying something but the last thing I saw was his worried face as I hit the ground.


I woke up to see myself in a white room lying down on a bed. As I sat up wondering why I was here, the events of earlier replayed itself in my head. Looking at it, I realized I acted so dumb and he would never want to talk to me again.
I felt really embarrassed by what happened; like who the hell faints when a guy is talking to them?? I guess it's only me.
"Are you better?" A lady I recognised as the nurse due to her outfit asked
"Yes, I am fine, thank you"
"You will be released as soon as I complete your checkup" she said
As soon as she was done, she released me. I checked the time and saw that school was practically over for the day.
OMG!!!!! I spent one full school day at the school's clinic just because of a guy??? I am sooooo stupid. Why couldn't I have just talked to him like a normal person? I am so sure he wouldn't want anything to do with a girl who just fainted because of him. Mumbling all these without looking up in fear of encountering Chris, I opened the door and left the clinic. After what felt like minutes trying to find my way out to the parking lot, I rounded the corner and-
"Ouch, that hurts" I exclaimed to the person who hit me as I tried standing up
"Ugghhhh!!!! Why do I keep getting into this kind of situations" I mumbled to myself. I noticed I have been doing that lately.
Realising I haven't even seen the person who bumped into me and the stranger wasn't saying anything, I looked up.
That must have been my biggest mistake. It was Chris standing in front of me smiling- no scratch that, smirking; the same Chris I was kinda avoiding. Just great, really great- note the sarcasm
I must look so stupid right now. Composing myself, I decided to say something but he beat me to it.
"I was just coming to check up on you. How are you doing?"
"I'm OK, thanks for caring" I answered already blushing.
He must have seen my tomato-red face because he gave me his million dollar dazzling smile making my face redden more if that is even possible.
"What do you say, I take you out for lunch and we get to know each other more before taking you home" he says still smiling
I didn't want to sound too eager to spend time with him and I tried looking for excuses and I guess he sensed my hesitation.
"Its OK if you don't wanna come with but you should know I don't bite" he added smiling
I thought about my options not like I had any but I still thought it through; the smile on Em's face when I tell her about having lunch with technically the hottest guy in college and also my achievement on finally having a date with my crush- its not a date date but its lunch so it can be technically be called a lunch date right? And on the other hand me rejecting his offer and not having him talk to me again because that's technically being rude to him when he's just being caring.
I looked up at him to see hopeful eyes on a very handsome face. Damn, its supposed to be a crime for a guy to be that cute.
"OK?" I responded but it came out as a question
I doubt he even noticed that because he just dragged me along.

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