Chapter 47

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Moments after Chris left I was still standing there. For a minute, it was like he never came but the impression he left on my lips told me otherwise. I was trying to make sense of everything that had just happened and it was in my dazed state that Michael met me and I had to snap out of it before he noticed something was wrong.
Since I was done packing praise be to God because I really won't have any explanation to give to Micheal as to why I wasn't done packing and I was just standing in the living room, I just went back upstairs to have a quick shower and change into sweats and a decent top.
If Micheal noticed anything wrong he didn't bring it up and I was so grateful because I have no idea on how to tell him about what happened because I was still clearly confused.
It took Micheal touching me for me to actually realize that he was talking to me and I wasn't replying because I was lost in my thoughts.
I looked at him to see him with a worried expression and I forced a smile on my face but that would probably seem like a grimace as I couldn't even smile properly, my mind wasn't settled at all.
He dragged my already packed box and took them to his car and he came back inside to sit me down.
"Baby I really don't know what went wrong in the few hours I left to get my stuff but I do know that something went wrong".
He paused allowing those words to sink in before he continued;
"I'm not gonna force you to tell me what went wrong but I'mma just tell you that that ring on your finger signifies something. It signifies a promise from me to you; a promise that I'll always be by your side no matter what you are going through. You might not want to tell me things but that ring signifies that I'll always be here to share your burdens with you even if you don't want me to carry them for you. I'll always be here whenever you are ready to open up. I proposed because I want to spend my whole life doing that job because there is nothing else I would rather do"
He looked up at me after that little speech and kissed my head before wiping the tears that were rolling down my face. I didn't even know I was crying.
"et je veux juste que tu saches que je t'aime pour toujours et toujours" (and I just want you to know that I love you forever and always)
"Je t'aime aussi mon amour pour toujours et toujours" (I love you too my love forever and always) I whispered back to him.
He kissed me softly before smiling and rising up from where he knelt down before me.
"Well we have a flight to catch ma princesse (my princess), shall we?" He asked stretching his hand so I could grab it.
"Oui, nous le ferons (yes, we shall)" I smiled up at him entwining our hands together.
My mood had been instantly lifted by his words and I realized that nothing or rather no one in this situation would dampen my spirit as I was already engaged to the most enchanting and romantic man on this planet.
I locked up and we got into the car with him acting like a gentleman by opening the door for me.
Well what can I say? Chivalry is indeed not dead
Within few minutes, we got to the airport and went straight to the checking point. We were still a bit early so we just went around the airport taking pictures- well I was the one posing for the pictures while my dear fiancé did the honours of taking the pictures. After a while we are snacks and munched on them making small talks.
I asked about his family and what I should be expecting when we get to Los Angeles. The stories he told me were encouraging since his family already knew about me  and according to him they adored me already.
I was still nervous about the whole thing since I've never really met my partner's parents before and I didn't know how to act but he told me to just relax and that everything would be fine.
I trusted him- not like I had any other choice than to do so and shortly after our conversation it was time to board the plane.
We got in and strapped ourselves before we heard the announcement over the speakers wishing us a safe flight and then we were off.
The flight was for 11 hours, 40 mins so we had a lot of time to rest before getting there and as for me a lot of time to think.
I was considering telling Micheal about what had happened earlier but I didn't just know how to go about it. I know keeping secrets in a relationship is deadly- I should know since I've been a victim of that.
After much deliberation, I made up my mind to tell Micheal when we settled in his parents house. With my mind made up, I decided to get some rest.
With what seemed like minutes later I felt someone shaking me and when I opened one eye, I saw Micheal smiling at me. I slowly opened the other eye and blushed a little before smiling shyly at him.
Even after months of us being together I still can't get over the blush that stains my cheeks anytime we are in close proximity.
"You are really cute anytime you blush" he said kissing me by the side of your head
"We are about landing though that's why I woke you up"
I checked my phone and realized that I've been sleeping for several hours.
Geez, how tired was I exactly
As if he knew what I was thinking he winked at me and said;
"We spent our night making love my princess it's understandable if you continue sleeping"
My eyes widened and I gasped while looking around to ensure nobody was listening.
How can he be so bold about things like that. I couldn't even think about that night without turning into a blushing mess.
And just like that my mind went back to that night with a blush on my face and the smile that never seemed to go away whenever I'm around Micheal, my prince.

Hi guys, it's me once again. What are your thoughts on this chapter, boring? fun? sweet? romantic?
Let me know in the comment section
If there's anything you need me to add let me know too and I'll be sure to add it when editing the book with your username to dedicate the chapter to you.
I really like how I'm making progress; I promised to continue updating every day till it's finished and I'm gradually getting to my goal.
Woke up around 1am just to put some words down and I'm loving it

So Tolurules brought something to my notice about this book. She mentioned that they are in Paris so they should naturally speak French and actually yes they should, that being said, you are gonna be seeing little of French everywhere in the book now except when they are in Los Angeles where they would be in in the next chapter and maybe chapters to come. Don't worry for guys that do not understand French, I'll be putting the interpretation just right next to it.
Plus although I understand French and speak it, for good construction and others I'll also be making use of Google so if there is any error you can also comment below and I'll look into it.
Dedication still goes to Tolurules Angelwriter16 and Wura___
See you in the next chapter lovelies
Much love♥️

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